- place pressure upon someone 对某人施加压力
- place pressure upon vt. 对 ... 施加压力
- put pressure upon someone 对某人施加压力
- In that year the pressure upon our country was undoubtedly painful. 那一年,我国承受的压力无疑是难忍的。
- The act of delivering a writ or summons upon someone. 向某人传递文件或命令的行为。
- They kept a constant pressure upon Liaoning Bodao in the second half. 下半场,他们不断给辽宁波导队施压。
- The strong countries often exerted some pressure upon the weak ones. 强国经常向弱国施加压力。
- They placed pressure of the council to change its housing policy. 他们向理事会施加压力,要求改变住房政策。
- He warned us against pressuring upon the accuracy of all the definitions in dictionaries. 他警告我们不要认为词典里的一切释义都是准确可靠的。
- Don't go into the water with the attitude that you can depend upon someone else to bail you out. 在你入水的时候,千万不要带着依赖某人来救你的情绪,无论这个人是救生员,还是其他人。
- Effect of High Helium Pressure upon Lipoperoxidation in Rat Cerebral Cortical Slices. 高氦气压力对鼠大脑皮层切片脂质过氧化的影响。
- Sonorous Description: When this charm is cast upon someone's throat, their voice will magnify to carry over a large crowd. 当此咒语被释放到某人的喉咙上时,该人的嗓音将被放大到能传递到一大群人中。
- They placed pressure of the council to change to change its housing policy. 他们向理事会施加压力,要求改变住房政策。
- When salesmen are doing well, there is pressure upon them to begin doing better, for fear they may start doing worse. 当销售人员业绩好时,他们因为要开始使工作做得更好,以免不如以前,从而感到压力重重。
- A steady, gentle pressure upon the heart and mind like the touch of a morning zephyr to your face. 这种微小的声音,如果你好好注意它,会一次比一次更清楚,一次比一次更容易听的。
- Acheson says: The population of China during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries doubled, thereby creating an unbearable pressure upon the land. 艾奇逊说:“中国人口在十八、十九两个世纪里增加了一倍,因此使土地受到不堪负担的压力。
- This place doesn't have a very savory reputation. 这个地方的名声可不太好。
- He arrived at the meeting place beforehand. 他提前到达会面地点。
- bring pressure to bear upon someone 对某人施加压力
- We must settle on a place to meet. 咱们得把见面的地点定下来。