- Frequency ERW pipe weld heat treatment to achieve the basic performance level of the base metal, and some even beyond. ERW焊管焊缝中频热处理后各项性能也基本达到了母材的水平,部分甚至超越。
- However, there are a misunderstanding that has been heat-treated steel pipe ERW are quality assured, in fact, before the pipe weld heat treatment quality is very important. 但国内存在这样一个误区,认为经过了热处理的ERW钢管都是质量有保证的,其实热处理前的钢管焊缝质量是相当重要的。
- Third, stainless steel pipe and copper pipe welding using welding. 三是,不锈钢管和铜管的焊接采用导管焊接。
- Hangzhou Jinou machinery Co.,Ltd. Is engaged plastic pipe weld technology research and product development of entrepises and the current weldseries products have been more than 20 specification. 杭州金鸥机械有限公司是从事塑料管道熔接技术研究与产品开发性的企业。目前已有熔接系列产品20多个规格。
- The periodic in-service inspection of Section IX of the Boiler Code includes weld repairs in cast metal, and pipe welds. 根据锅炉法典第IX节的要求,在使用过程中需要定期进行检查的内容包括,逐渐金属的焊缝,管道焊缝。
- The 1Cr17 stainless steel pipe and Q235 steel pipe welding belongs to the heterogeneous steel welding,the weld joint easy to have the crack flaw. 1Cr17不锈钢管与Q235钢管的焊接属于异种钢焊接,焊接接头容易出现裂纹缺陷。
- Keywords pipe welder;rolls;straightener;curvefit; 焊管机;轧辊;矫直机;曲线拟合;
- It adopts precise Aluminum pipe passive forming technology to guarantee the pipe welding normal and steady. 采用的精密铝管被动成型工艺,确保了铝管焊接正常稳定;
- We also offer custom welding wire with the largest inventory of spare parts in the mechanized pipe welding industry. 在机械化管道焊接工厂中我们也提供用户定制的焊丝和备件清单。
- The early losing effectiveness causes of the superheater pipe welding joint were investigated and analysed. 针对某电厂异种钢焊接接头高温早期失效的过热器管件进行了调查研究和失效分析。
- The new high-speed diffusion welding system for small and medium-diameter steel pipe welding by applying non-crystal filling metal has been deve loped. 利用非晶体填充金属焊接中、小直径钢管的新型高速扩散焊接系统已研制成功。
- The liquid penetration method, procedure, defect indication and indication characters of pipe welds in boiler were described simply in this article. 对锅炉管道焊缝液体渗透检测方法、操作程序、缺陷显示及痕迹特征作了简单介绍。
- A study concerning the feasibility of equipment for producing the inner ribbed spiral tubes with the existing pipe welding line is given. 分析了在现有焊管机组上生产内凸筋螺旋焊管的设备可行性。
- According to the present situation,some engineering roadblock was analysed and the prospect of pipe welding was brought forward. 最后简单分析了管道焊接存在的技术难题,并对其发展前景发表一些看法。
- Some metals weld better than others. 有些金属容易焊,有的不容易焊。
- In recent days, small Wuguan sector in the area of pipe welded to the elderly can be escorted by a broad stretch its arm Titi legs, children can exercise climbing iron shelving. 最近几天,小区物管部门在空地上用铁管焊了一副老人可以扶着它抻抻胳膊踢踢腿,孩子可以攀爬锻炼的铁架子。
- I told her to pipe down but she still babbled on. 我叫她闭嘴,可她还是唠叨个没完。
- The pipe burst and a spout of water shoot out. 水管破裂了,一股水喷了出来。
- The tail exhaust pipe of the motor vehicle emitted poisonous smoke. 机动车的尾部排气管排出有毒的浓烟。
- Electrical principle design and adjustment of spiral pipe welder 螺旋卷焊管机电气原理设计及调整