- Many famous ping pang players have defected to other countries. 许多有名的乒乓球手都为他国效力了。
- Li Ming speaks English a lot fluently than Wang Ping. 李明讲英语比王平讲得好很多。
- We've been playing ping pong a lot lately. 最近我们经常打乒乓球。
- Wang Ping: He changed his original intention later. 王平:可是后来他又改变了初衷。
- Wang Ping: More than that. His arrogance is lovely. 王平:岂止有意思,还真狂得可爱。
- Welcome to ze ke tai One Middle School! 欢迎你到则克台一中来!联系电话
- Liefde is blind,darrom kan ze mij niet vinden. 爱情是盲目的,所以她找不到我。
- There was a loud ping as the elastic broke. 橡皮带断裂时发出砰的一声巨响.
- Zhang Jia Kou Sheng Ze Wooled Leather Co. 河北省宣化位于长城脚下,属京畿之地,素有“北方皮都”之称。
- Ze zitten thuis klaar achter de webcm,voor jou!! Kom 指示活的被遇见的 deze geile meiden!
- Or, I'm going to beat Josh at ping pong, do or die. 或者是,我要在乒乓球上打败乔希,“要么就做,要么去死”。
- Ze heeft een jonge kerel op straat opgepikt! Kijk 死 gozer eens 进入 haar kut rammen!
- Wang Ping: Another thing can prove this even more. 王平: 还有一件事,更能说明这一点。
- Wang Ping: Did he differ from other champions? 王平: 他与别的冠军有什么不同?
- Wang Ping: I like to watch the go-kart race most. 王平: 我最喜欢看卡丁车大赛。
- Wang Ping: It is a club introduced by a friend. 王平: 是一个朋友介绍的俱乐部。
- Wang Ping: She was worthy of that title. 王平: 当之无愧!
- Wang Ping: Thank you! Thank both of you! 王平: 谢谢,谢谢你们俩!
- Wang Ping: That comment was not excessive at all. 王平: 评价一点也不为过啊。