- permitted maximum level 最高允许电平
- To attain a maximum level of competence. 达到最大的水平。
- The canards permit the maximum take-off weight to be increased by 700 kg for a penalty of fewer than 5% in level acceleration time and maximum level speed. 虽然鸭翼的存在令最大起飞重量增加了七百公斤,但是最大平飞加速时间和最大平飞速度则相对地减少了5%25。
- We do not currently encounter any limitation in this area, hence the maximum level is unlimited. 目前,我们还没有遇到过任何限制,因此确定系统没有最高限。
- You can choose to debit the premium directly from your Card account, and enjoy maximum level of convenience. 每月保费更可直接由您的账户扣除,方便妥善。
- A Dutch auction sets a singleshare price at the maximum level consistentwith clearing all stock on offer. 荷兰式拍卖按照所有上市的股票都能结清为准,将每股股价定在最高水平。
- The concentration of the suspended particulate in the mainstream of the Yellow River is rather high, and the maximum level is 4851 mg/l. 黄河干流悬浮物浓度很高,最高达4851毫克/升。
- A low reflective high performance film providing maximum level of comfort to autocar. 低反射、高效能的膜可以使你在车内保持最大程度的舒适感。
- The value of this setting is the maximum level of nested functions that are allowed before the script will be aborted. 限制无限递归的拜访深度。这项参数设置的值是脚本失败前所答应的嵌套程序的最大拜访深度。
- This paper narrates the situation of maximum level of mycotoxins of grain and its shortages. 主要讨论了目前国际上存在的真菌毒素限量标准及其不足。
- These two team's collision, to will decide on behalf of the Chinese female hypersphere team maximum level's two teams. 北京队能够闯进四强就已经算是一个奇迹了,并且在上轮的淘汰赛还和上海队拖入点球大战,并且决战了8轮,不得不说明北京人坚强的意志品质。
- The concentration of the suspended particulate in the mainstream of the Yellow River is rather high,and the maximum level is 4851 mg/l. 黄河干流悬浮物浓度很高,最高达4851毫克/升。
- The CPU savings represent the maximum level of performance improvement we would expect to see in a customer environment. CPU的节约表现为我们在一个定制环境中期望看到的最大级别的性能改进。
- These numbers represent the maximum level of performance improvement that we would expect to see in a customer environment. 这些数字表示了我们在定制环境中可以期望看到的最大性能改进。
- Maximum Level of Financial Assistance under the NLS The maximum Non-means Tested Loan is capped at your tuition fees payable. 免入息审查贷款计划的最高贷款额以申请人的学费为上限。
- One additional watt per square meter of forcing, over and above that today, will take global temperature approximately to the maximum level of the Eemian. 今后的气候营力每平方公尺只要增加一瓦特,就会使全球气温达到艾姆间冰期的最高水准。
- Foveal area is a small wide space area where your eyes are aimed at and it is the only area where you can perceive the maximum level of detail. 中央窝是你的眼睛在瞄准时的一块小范围空间,它是你可以感知最高级别细节的唯一地方。
- You cannot enter a military base without a permit. 无通行证者不得擅入军事基地。
- The combination of detector and measuring unit in all its ranges shall have linear response to light up to the maximum level of illuminance. 探测器和测量部件在任何强度的光照中的配和使用中,应该能够产生线性反应去点燃到照明度的最大强度。
- You are not permitted to smoke here. 此处不许吸烟。