- Two extremes are monopsony i.e., the perfect competition. 两个极端是买主独家垄断,即只有一个买者,和进行完全竞争的许多买者。
- Market Structures: Monopoly, Oligopoly, Perfect Competition. 经济市场结构。
- Perfect competition is defined by the economist as a technical term. 经济学者把完全竞争当作一个专用的名词。
- A good approximation to perfect competition may be the most society can strive for. 社会所能争取的仅仅是最接近于完全竞争的状态。
- The most serious deviation from the perfect competition comes from monopoly elements. 最严重的对完全竞争的背离来源于垄断成份。
- Concerned competition inside the industry,the market of low end approaches perfect competition and the advanced market nearly belongs to monopoly. 在产业内部竞争上,低端市场接近于完全竞争,高端市场基本上属于垄断竞争;
- In the more perfect competition or oligopolistic market competition in the regional market prices can not be used Cuanhuo the price of regional or when the price cut. 在较完全竞争或区域市场寡头竞争的市场价格采用不可窜货价的区域或时断价格.
- Therefore, there is a need to analyze tax burden under differentiated tax rate under three market conditions, namely perfect competition, monopoly and oligopoly. 为此,有必要对在完全竞争、垄断和寡头三种市场情形时,有差异税率条件下的税收归宿问题进行研究。
- They may at times be helping to restore competitions while at other times be causing conditions to deviate still further from perfect competition. 他们在某些时候,有助于竞争的加强,而在其它的时候,使得竞争进一步削弱。
- Therefore, this thesis depends on the theory of microeconomics, analyzes the relation between the farmers and the government in terms of perfect competition、monopoly and oligopoly. 本文借助微观经济学的理论,按照完全竞争、垄断和寡头垄断去分析各自条件下农民和政府之间的关系。
- The development of international auditing trade also supports that. So the auditing market in China will also transfer from a perfect competition market to an oligopoly monopoly market. 结合国际上审计行业发展经验,本文认为,我国的审计市场类型将经历从完全竞争市场到寡头垄断市场的转变过程。
- The actual electricity market is more likely an oligopoly market than a perfect competitive market and the power suppliers can obtain excess profits by strategic bidding. 实际的电力市场往往更接近于寡头市场,发电厂商可以通过策略性的报价获得超额利润。
- Nothing in the world is flawless and perfect. 世上没有十全十美的东西。
- The weather during our holiday was perfect. 我们度假时的天气好极了。
- The project is far from perfect. 这项企划很不完美。
- What's the secret of baking perfect bread? 烤出好面包的秘诀是什么?
- The competition entries were a very mixed bag. 参赛者是错落不齐的大杂烩。
- Libraries of colleges and universities, especially those of polytechnic colleges, should expedite information exchanges, establish and perfect competitive market mechanisms, deepen reforms and strive to realize the modemization of their own. 高校尤其是高等专科学校图书馆作为其中的特殊一族,应该加快信息交流,建立和完善市场竞争机制,深化改革,努力完成自身的现代化。
- She won a competition in some newspaper or other. 她参加某报纸举办的比赛获胜。
- He only entered the competition for a dare. 他只是因为受人激将才参加竞赛。