- peddle their papers vi. 不管闲事(走开)
- Street vendors peddle their goods along the sidewalk. 街头摊贩沿著人行道兜售他们的商品。
- Their papers were mixed up in a heap on the desk. 他们的论文在课桌上乱成一堆。
- The others delightedly laid down their papers. 其余的人高兴地放下了手中的报纸。
- From what you say, their papers are phony. 照你说的情况看,他们的报纸是吹牛啦。
- The commuters read their papers or stared ahead. 此时,他们或者读着手中的报纸,或者直勾勾地望着前方。
- Their paper mill is beyond the river. 他们的造纸厂是在河的对岸。
- In major cities all around the world today, skyscrapers loom overhead, taxis honk their horns and street vendors peddle their wares. 时至今日世界大部分城市,摩天大楼高耸入云,但是在城市的下面,都隐藏着迷人的和未知的历史。
- Some students have not yet submitted their papers to their tutors. 有些学生还没有把论文交给导师。
- Every year, the narrow cobbled street of San Gregorio Armeno in the heart of Naples comes alive as artisans peddle their often witty, hand-crafted nativity scenes. 每年(这个时候)那不勒斯市中心的这条名叫圣格雷戈里奥·尔梅诺的鹅卵石窄街都会充满生机。巧手匠们沿街叫卖手工制作的新颖有趣的耶稣诞生实景。
- In the enemy headquarters their papers were left lying around. 在敌人指挥部,文件给摊了一地。
- Whether Grade of Sci-Tech Journals Matches Quality of Their Papers? 科技期刊"级别"与科技论文质量能否等同?
- Thirdly, the thesis shows the neoconservatives as enthusiastic activists who have practically launched an intellectual movement since the 1990s to peddle their ideology and seek political power. 第三,本文对新保守派在后冷战时期所从事的政治和组织活动进行了论述,指出新保守主义已经由一种战略思想发展成为一场颇具规模的思想运动,旨在影响美国的对外政策。
- Stealth Tanks are best for hit and run due to their paper armor. 由于它们纸一样的护甲,隐形坦克最适合打带跑。
- Students, with no exception, are to hand in their papers this afternoon. 今天下午学生统统要交作业。
- They find themselves putting their papers in order, writing farewell letters. 他们自己在整理文件,写遗书。
- Indeed, the authors offer a mathematical proof of this in their paper. 实际上,作者在其论文中提供了有关于此的数学证明。
- I could not fill their papers with private altercation, in which they had no concern. 我不能在他们的报纸上连篇累牍地刊登与之无关的私人争吵。
- They conclude their paper by showing how some partial differential equations and physical law can be expressed in tensor form. 他们在文章的末尾指出了如何把某些偏微分方程及物理规律表示成张量的形式。
- The students were doing their lessons while their teacher was correcting their papers. 学生们在做功课,同时老师在批改他们的试卷。