- patient data security 病人数据安全性
- In computer and data security, the person who attempts to overcome the computer or data security measures. 在计算机及数据安全学中,试图攻破计算机或数据安全措施的人。
- Encryption is not a panacea for resolving data security problems. 加密不能彻底解决数据安全问题。
- In data security, the unauthorized acquisition of information. 数据安全学中,信息的非授权获
- Ensure that data security is the CDMS company paramountin. 保证数据安全是CDMS公司的头等大事。
- They founded RSA Data Security Inc. to commercialize their discovery. 他们成立了RSA数据安全公司,使其发明商品化。
- In data security, an attack on the security of a computer system, undertaken to test the effectiveness of the security and to highlight any areas of weakness. 在数据保密学中,对一个计算机系统的安全性的攻击,用以测试安全的有效性及暴露弱点。
- In data security, pertaining to software and hardware systems that have been designed, and verified, to avoid compromising, corrupting or denying sensitive information. 在数据安全技术领域,用于修饰或说明软件系统和硬件系统,这种系统已经设计好并进行过验证,可以避免(产生)泄露、传送出错或拒绝敏感信息。
- In data security,an unauthorized disclosure or loss of sensitive information. 数据安全中指非授权的泄露或掉失了敏感的信息。
- In data security, an unauthorized disclosure or loss of sensitive information. 数据安全中指非授权的泄露或掉失了敏感的信息。
- The system outlined below includes patient data disease history and management history. 该程序大致包括:病畜资料,病史和管理史。
- Allows patient data to be entered via a PC at the radiology reception desk or other preferred location. 允许通过放射登记室或其他优选地点的PC输入患者数据。
- In data security,messages which are in readable forms,i.e.not encrypted. 在数据保密技术中,可读形式的即未加密的报文。同cleararea。
- Due to the paucity of patient data, there is no standard treatment protocol for primary breast lymphoma. 因为缺乏病人资料,目前为止对于原发性乳房淋巴瘤尚未结论出标准的治疗方式。
- In data security, the transmission of data to unauthorized users by processes with legitimate access to data. A compiler, for example, could leak a proprietary program whilst it is being compiled. 在数据保密学中,通过合法访问数据的进程将数据传输给未授权的用户的过程。例如,编译程序在编译期间便可能泄漏专用程序。
- The news "EMR vendor to share patient data with genetics research firm" was posted online Friday. 新闻“EMR厂商与基因研究公司共享患者数据”于周五在线发布。
- In general, data security and system security can be separately distinguished. 通常,数据安全和系统安全可以分开来考虑。
- Two reiewers independently abstracted patient data, treatment characteristics, and outcomes. 两位研究员独立分析患者数据、治疗特征与结果。
- In data security, messages which are in readable forms, i.e.not encrypted. 在数据保密技术中,可读形式的即未加密的报文。同cleararea。
- In data security, the science and study of methods of breaking ciphers. 在数据安全领域中,对破译密码的方法进行研究的一门学科。