- He was destined to plod the path of toil. 他注定要在艰辛的道路上跋涉。
- The mechanism of production, path of transmission and damages to the electronic equipments of lightning electromagnetic pulse (LEMP) are analyzed, and the prevention measures are introduced. 阐述了雷电电磁脉冲的产生机理、传播途径及对电子设备的危害;并简要说明了其防护措施.
- The path of civilization is paved with tin cans. 文明的大道,是铺满了空罐头。
- He never warped from the path of common sense. 他从不违背常情。
- The flight path of the aeroplane cross, with fatal result. 飞机的航线互相交错铸成人命惨祸。
- The path of the earth around the sun is oval. 地球围绕太阳公转的轨道是椭圆形的。
- Opacity is the reciprocal of transmission. 阻光率是透射率的倒数。
- They have chosen the path of armed struggle. 他们选择了武装斗争的道路。
- What is the mode of transmission of dengue fever? 登革热的传播途径是甚么?
- These are all examples of transmission principles. 这些都是传播法则的例子。
- The path of duty is the path of safety. 忠于职守乃坦途。
- We are dealer of transmission spares in India. 我们是印度的贸易公司,正在求购传动设备.
- Do not be misleaded into the path of virtue. 不要被误导进德行的途径。
- We should guide people along the path of progress. 要引导人们向兴旺的道路走。
- Walk the path of a carefree life, desiring nothing. 清心寡欲走正道,以无为有乐消遥。
- We plodded along the path of toil. 我们沿著艰辛的小道慢慢前进。
- It is the path of energy transmutation. 那就是能量转化的道路。
- Never turn aside from the path of rectitude. 不可背离正道。
- The speed of transmission is about 400 letters in a minute. 传送速度为一分钟约400个字母。
- Dangers lurk in the path of wilderness. 在这条荒野的小路上隐伏着危险。