- There was these two old guys ranched together down home, Earl and Rich -- Dad would pass a remark when he seen them. 我爹说,你趁他不注意的时候偷偷动手,揍疼他就跑,甭等他反应过来。
- Jack passed a remark about weather,but his wife was not listening to him. 杰克抱怨天气不好,但他的妻子没有理会他的话。
- Jack passed a remark about weather, but his wife was not listening to him. 杰克抱怨天气不好,但他的妻子没有理会他的话。
- One cannot hear such a remark without offence. 人们听了这样的话必然会生气。
- I doubt the propriety of such a remark. 我怀疑这样的话是否得体。
- A remark intended to open a conversation. 开场白为了打开话题有意说的话
- He could never pass a street fight without pitching in. 每次街头斗殴他总是在其中大打出手。
- He flung out a remark, which caused dissatisfaction. 他随便说了句话,引起了不满。
- He passed a remark at last. 他终于说出一些话。
- One cannot hear such a remark without taking offence. 听了这样的话,谁都会生气的。
- He passed a remark at last . 他终于说出一些话。
- So they played Robin Hood all the afternoon, now and then casting a yearning eye down upon the haunted house and passing a remark about the morrow's prospects and possibilities there. 他俩玩了一下午的罗宾汉游戏,边玩边忍不住不时地朝那座闹鬼的房子看上一两眼,三言两语地议论着第二天到那里去会发生的情况。
- On the outskirts they passed a steel mill. 他们在郊区从一家钢铁厂前面经过。
- To get the job he have to pass a proficiency test. 要想得到这份工作,他必须通过水平测试。
- This was a remark that closely trenched on slander. 这句话近乎是诽谤。
- I hazard a remark that it's a big lie. 我斗胆说一句吧,那是个弥天大谎。
- She pass a thread through the eye of her needle. 她将线穿过她的针眼。
- The opposition passed a vote of censure on the government. 反对派通过了对政府的不信任投票。
- He insulted me by such a remark. 他讲这种话是对我的侮辱。
- You can pass a rope round this dead tree. 你可以用绳子拴住这棵枯死的树。