- Parallel execution at the server is not a MARS feature. 服务器上的并行执行不是MARS功能。
- GridShell allows each task in a parallel execution further control of its execution role through environment variables. GridShell可以通过环境变量对并行执行的每个任务进一步控制它的执行角色。
- If an application needs true parallel execution of commands against a server, multiple connections should be used. 如果应用程序需要对服务器真正地并行执行命令,应使用多个连接。
- The serial execution cost of the query is not high enough to consider an alternative, parallel execution plan. 查询的串行执行成本并不过高,无需考虑替代的并行执行计划。
- Keyword to indicate resource requirements for selecting the hosts for parallel execution. 关键字来说明对选来并行执行程序的主机的要求。
- The SQL Server optimizer will use a parallel execution plan to return results if the load on the server will not be adversely affected. 因此如果不对服务器的负荷产生负面影响,SQL Server优化器将使用并行执行计划返回结果。
- Applications that benefit from increased parallel execution are the type that divide the problem into multiple smaller tasks. 从增加并行执行中获益的应用程序将问题分解为多个较小的任务。
- For more information about parallel execution, see Degree of Parallelism. 有关并行执行的详细信息,请参阅并行度。
- May wait on a blocking receive for all the other tasks in the parallel execution of the script before finally reporting its completion. 在最终报告自己执行完成之前,可能会等待脚本中并行执行的所有其他任务已经完成的消息。
- The AND parallel part, of AND/ OR model & some typical AND parallel execution models such as RAP, SDD & intelligent channels are analysed & compared. 文中提出用一个三元组来描述AND并行模型的主要特征,并在此基础上对AND/OR模型的AND并行部分以及RAP、SDD、智能通道等几个比较典型的AND并行执行模型进行了分析和比较。
- VLIW chips don't need most of the complex control circuitry that superscalar chips must use to coordinate parallel execution at runtime. VLIW芯片不需要超级标量芯片为运行时协调并行处理所采用的复杂控制电路。
- At execution time, the Database Engine determines whether the current system workload and configuration information previously described allow for parallel execution. 执行时,数据库引擎将确定当前系统工作负荷和前面介绍的配置信息是否允许并行执行。
- For pioneering contributions to the theory and practice of optimizing compiler techniques that laid the foundation for modern optimizing compilers and automatic parallel execution. 因在编程语言和系统设计的理论和实践方面作出的先创性贡献而获奖。
- To avoid negative consequences from the parallel execution of executables, the value MaxConcurrentExecutables should be set to 1. 若要避免并行执行可执行文件时出现负面结果,值MaxConcurrentExecutables应设置为1。
- When a query or index operation starts executing on multiple threads for parallel execution, the same number of threads is used until the operation is completed. 从查询或索引操作开始在多线程上并行执行起,将一直使用相同的线程数,直到操作完成。
- To avoid negative consequences of nondeterminative timing of parallel execution of tasks in the loop, the package should be configured to run only one executable at a time. 若要避免在循环中并行执行任务时遇到不可确定的定时导致的负数结果,应当将包配置为每次只运行一个可执行文件。
- There are never more than one or two copies of the query plan in memory: one copy for all serial executions and another for all parallel executions. 内存中永远不会有两个或多个查询计划副本:一个副本用于所有的串行执行,另一个用于所有的并行执行。
- Parallel Execution of Multi-Join Query 多元连接查询的并行执行
- The railway lines run parallel to the road. 铁路线和那条道路平行。
- The plans were finally put into execution. 这些计划终於得以实施。