- He was fifty or there abouts and was corpulent and tall in person. 他大约50岁,身体肥胖高大。
- Don't connect up the two wires, or there will be a short circuit. 不要把这两条电线接在一起,否则会短路的。
- The girl over there about six years old called him daddy. 那边那个大约六岁的女孩叫他爸爸。
- There's no harm in it at all. or There's nothing bad about it. 一点坏处也没有。
- I hope the two countries will cool off a bit, or there will be a war. 我希望两个国家都冷静一点,否则将有一场战争。
- He left there about ten o'clock. 他大约在十点钟离开了那里。
- We went there about two weeks ago. 我们是两个星期以前去的。
- Let us move that bag, or there may be an accident. 让我们移开那袋子大米,否则的话,会出事故的。
- The taxi will be there about five minutes. 车子五分钟左右就到。
- Or there's the Citroen, Behind the Mini. 或者雪铁龙(Citroen),在微型小汽车的后边。
- Speaking of Cleveland, ask anyone there about us. 说到克利夫兰,跟那儿的任何人打听一下我们吧。
- Or there is a way to retreat with attack? 是否有路可退?
- The traffic is held up. or There's a traffic jam. 交通阻塞。
- You needn't worry. or There is no need to worry. 不用着急。
- Here, or there, this is a question. 这里,还是那里,这是一个问题。
- It's blowing hard. or There's a gale blowing. 刮大风了。
- He returned to Iceland and told people there about Greenland. 他返回冰岛,告诉人们有关格陵兰岛的事情,
- It'll get there about a week after we receive your order form. 我们收到订单后,大约一个星期就会送到。
- "There's still a little bit of angst and anger there about that. “还有一点点焦虑和愤怒,有这么一点点。”
- I could wear my blue blouse, or there again my white one. 我可以穿我的蓝罩衫,或者穿我的白罩衫。