- one electron approximation 单电子近似
- If he sees one electron out of place, he calls for Rad Alert. 他只要看到一个电子脱离位置就会拉响红色警报。
- Hydrogen, which is the lightest element, has only one electron. 最轻的元素氢只有一个电子。
- There is nothing that will enable us to tell one electron from another. 没有任何东西可以使我们能够说得出,一个电子与另一个电子究竟有什么不同。
- The word "correlation" is also used to refer to the effects of one electron on the motion of another. “相关”一词也适用于指一个电子对另一个电子运动的影响。
- Another team, ASACUSA, is studying exotic helium atoms in which one electron is replaced by an antiproton. 还有另外一个ASACUSA团队,则是研究一种奇特的氦原子(反质子取代了其中一个电子)。
- You can insert more than one Electronic Business Card in a message. 在一封邮件中,可以插入多个电子名片。
- Targeting a gas of neon atoms, the group first used a 250-attosecond UV laser pulse to nudge one electron farther away from the nucleus. 该研究团队首次使用250阿秒的紫外雷射脉冲,瞄准氖原子气体射击,结果把一个电子给远远的推出原子核外。
- In the original version of the photoelectric effect, one photon kicks out one electron, like one pool ball smacking into another. 在光电效应的原始版本中,一个光子击出一个电子就像将一个池子里的球中拍打出一个。
- independent electron approximation 独立电子近似
- nearly free electron approximation 概自由电子近似法
- To use X-ray diffraction as an example, a single X-ray photon diffracting off of one electron cloud will not generate a strong enough signal for the equipment to detect. 以X射线衍射为例,被某个固体原子(或离子)的外层电子散射的X射线光子太少,构成的辐射强度不足以被仪器检测到。
- The results show that iron-amine complex gets one electron as the redox mediator on the electrod, this is a quasi-reversible diffusion controlled process. 结果表明,铁胺络合物在悬汞电极上的电化学还原过程为受扩散控制的准可逆过程,电极上发生单电子转移。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- Elements in the first column all have one electron in their outermost shell.Those in the second column have two outer electrons, and so on. 第一列元素最外电子层内均有一个电子,第二列元素则含有两个电子,依此类推。
- A polar covalent bond happens when one electron has a stronger electrical attraction for the shared electrons than the other atom(s). 当一个原子对共享电子的电吸引强于其它原子时,形成极性共价键。
- The boy took one sip of the wine and spat it out. 那男孩子呷了一小口葡萄酒,但马上又吐了出来。
- The deer was peppered with shot all down one side. 那只死鹿的半边身子都被子弹击中。
- Nowadays it owns one R&D company, one electronics factory and one toys factory, offering OEM and ODM services to Japanese cust-omers mainly. 青柳旗下现在有一家研发公司,一家电子厂和一家玩具厂,主要的业务是提供OEM和ODM服务给日本客户。
- This is only one instance out of many. 这不过是许多例子中的一个。