- of opposite phase to adj. 反相于
- be of opposite phase to conj. 与 ... 反相
- reactance of opposite phase sequence 反相序电抗
- We expect to come up against a lot of opposition to the scheme. 我们预计这个计划要遭到很多人反对。
- There will be a lot of opposition to that new road. 对那条新的道路将来一定会有大量反对意见。
- Have you found your compilation phase to be slow? 您是否曾发现您的编译阶段很慢?
- There was a lof of opposition to the new road. 许多人反对建新公路。
- Omental membrane phase to identify the tumor. 膜大网膜的肿瘤相鉴别。
- The voltages on these pins usually swing in opposite phase between 0 V and REF. 这两个引脚上的电压摆幅通常在0V至REF之间、相位相反。
- The separation of an electrolyte into ions of opposite charge. 电解(作用)一种电解质分解为带有相反电荷的离子的过程
- She miscalculated the level of opposition to her proposals. 她没想到她的建议会受到这样强烈的反对。
- In the meantime, they are lying again the repellent phase to the opposite sex. 同时,他们又正处在对异性的排斥阶段。
- He supported Demosthenes' policy of opposition to Macedonia. 他支持狄摩西尼反对马其顿的政策。
- If the velocity relationships are revised, then the hyperbola is of the opposite phase from the reflection. 如果速度关系颠倒,则双曲线相位便与反射的相位相反。
- He climbed down at the first sign of opposition. 他一见到反对的迹象就缩回去了。
- Master PK warrior in two phases to resolve! 法师PK武士分两个阶段来解析!
- His poetry is full of oppositions and contrasts. 他的诗歌充满了对立与对比。
- You may come up against a bit of opposition. 你可能会通到一些反对意见。
- You might come up against a bit of opposition. 你可能会遭到一点反对。
- Most bigoted people are intolerant of opposition. 多数固执己见的人受不了反对意见。