- Lack of education is an obstacle of success. 缺乏教育是成功的障碍。
- Keywords obstacle of deglutation;cerebral apoplexy;acupuncture-therapy;rehabilitation; 吞咽障碍;脑卒中;康复;针刺疗法;
- obstacle of deglutation 吞咽障碍
- He overcame the obstacle of blindness and became a singer. 他克服了失明的障碍而成为一名歌手。
- For Chinese students, the largest obstacle of learning English is speaking. 对中国学生来讲,学英语的最大障碍就是口语。
- Then this article analyzed the main obstacle of the risk investment mech... 最后提出促进农业高新技术风险投资机制的建议。
- Conclusion: The function obstacle of tuberculosis presents mixed expression. 结论:肺结核的肺功能障碍呈混合性。
- Don't shrink from the thought of obstacle. 不要一想到困难就退缩。
- Selfishness is the only obstacle of being selfless, however hard selflessness may seem to oneself. 去除私欲,如同抽茧拨丝,不是因为困难,而是因为顽固的私心阻碍。
- Can choose all sorts of fighting to obstacle of psychedelic, covet, thinking chlorpromazine. 对幻觉、妄想、思维障碍可选用各种抗精神病药。
- Include to weigh obstacle of arrearage of development of sexual mental disease, neurosis, spirit and character. 包括重性精神病、神经症、精神发育迟滞和人格障碍。
- Then appears the recognizant obstacle of different level, expression is fugue, crackbrained. 继而出现不同程度的意识障碍,表现为朦胧状态,精神错乱。
- Performance of department of the eye when nerve toxic and organic phosphor are toxic is obstacle of miotic, eyesight. 神经毒剂及有机磷中毒时眼部表现为瞳孔缩小、视力障碍。
- Because pressurization wraps up E word, can pose the hematic carry obstacle of limbs, make an organization necrotic! 伤员上肢出血,且没有骨折和关节损伤时,可采用加压包扎止血法止血。
- Unwisdom is the biggest obstacle of safe production, also be the main the root of the trouble of production disaster. 愚昧是安全生产的最大障碍,也是制造灾难的重要祸根。
- The moodiness is one of the important reasons of the functional obstacle of digestive system. 情志内伤是脾失健运的重要病因。
- The inefficient consuming is a main obstacle of the economy development and reproduction. 居民的消费不足,是经济发展和再生产顺利进行的一个主要障碍。
- Earnings management becomes a grievous obstacle of the development of listed companies and securities market. 盈余管理已成为上市公司自身发展和证券市场规范的严重障碍。
- Native dialect is the largest obstacle of Putonghua study for the students in the dialectal areas. 母语方言是方言区学生学习普通话的最大障碍。
- Third part of dissertation stated the foreground and obstacle of Indian FDI in China. 论文的第三部分:印度对中国直接投资的前景及障碍分析。