- normal family of function(s) 正规函数族
- normal family of functions 正规函数族
- In this paper,we discuss definition of normal families of holomorphic function,analysis some connected conceptions,and obtain some normal rules of normal families of holomorphic function. 文章通过对全纯函数正规族定义和几个相关概念的分析,得出全纯函数正规族的几条正规定则。
- Normal families of meromorphic functions is an important subject in complex analysis. 正规性是单复变函数中重要的研究课题。
- Normal Family of Holomorphic Functions 全纯函数的一个正规族
- The lion circled about the family of deer, waiting to attack. 那狮子在这群鹿四周转来转去,等待着时机进攻。
- Normal families of holomorphic function 全纯函数正规族
- In chapter two, we discuss the normal families of meromorphic functions concerning differential polynomial and mainly prove Theorem 2.1. 第二章讨论了亚纯函数关于它的微分多项式的几个正规定则,主要证明了定理2.;1。
- After year's end distribution every family of the commune has money to bank up. 在年终分配之后,这个公社家家户户都有钱存入银行。
- Firstly, there is the preference, it shows the original, process of normal families of meromorphic functions and some their important results. 在第一章,我们给出了本文所要用到的基础知识:亚纯函数值分布理论方面的基础知识及常用记号,以及 正规族一些基本概念,记号以及一些基本结果。
- equicontinuous family of function [数]等度连续函数族
- One flat can accommodate a family of five. 一套单元房可容纳一个五口之家。
- The minister has to attend all kinds of functions. 部长必须参加各种集会。
- Out of function in the touching feature. 触摸灯的触摸功能失灵。
- The "DINK" family is not a very normal family. 指一个家庭中夫妻双方都工作,有收入,但没有孩子。
- The living room and the family hall function's segmentation, manifested this kind of housing plane to design an user-friendlier aspect fully. 客厅与家庭厅功能的细分,充分体现了这种住宅平面设计更加人性化的方面。
- Specifies the start of function evaluation. 指定函数计算的开始位置。
- Each apartment could house a family of six. 每套房能住下一个6口之家。
- Number of function keys on the Keyboard. 键盘上功能键的数目。
- This family of 12 decided to move to Kathmandu. 准备搬迁到加德满都的12口之家。