- Nonlinear pricing strategy based on QoS 基于QoS的非线性计费策略
- nonlinear pricing strategy 非线性定价策略
- We need to discuss our pricing strategy. 我们必须讨论我们的定价策略。
- Research for Pricing Strategy of software in our country. 我国软件产品定价策略研究。
- In this paper, we analyze the consumer behavior and market equilibrium in oligopolistic industry under nonlinear pricing. 摘要本文主要分析非线性定价下寨头垄断行业的消费者行为和市场均衡。
- Going forward, it intends to adopt a more aggressive pricing strategy in order to increase the sales of ATMs. 部门在未来有意采纳更进取的订价策略,进一步增加自动柜员机的销售。
- This announcement, when you think about it, is consistent with the pricing strategy of the past. 仔细考虑这份声明就可以发现,它和过去的计价策略是一致的。
- Value-Based Pricing A pricing strategy whereby a product's price is actively dependant upon its demand. 以价值为基础的定价产品定价与需求紧密联系的定价策略。
- What kind of ROI (Return On Investment) are you expecting with this pricing strategy, and within what time frame? 你期待以此价格策略得到何种投资回报,在何时间范围内?
- Finally, the maneuverability of the online pricing strategy is illuminated by an example. 最后,通过实例说明本文提出的在线定价策略的可操作性。
- Printing new price labels with real-time mobile printers closes the loop between pricing strategy and execution. 采用实时移动打印机来打印新价格标签终结了这些问题。
- A Consulting System of Price Strategies with FOXBASE. 一个用FOXBASE实现的价格策略咨询系统
- Lenovo failed to understand that blurry branding and not giving enough thoughts to pricing strategy. 联想未能理解模糊的品牌营销之道,在定价策略方面也欠缺周全的考虑。
- The 52-year-old Mr.Toyoda is also working to fix a pricing strategy that put the company at odds with some U. 据知情人士透露,现年52岁的丰田章男还在努力应对导致公司和一些美国经销商产生分歧的定价策略;
- This differs from the pricing strategy of this architecture for both IBM and Oracle when it comes to their database servers. 同是数据库服务器,但不同于IBM和Oracle对于这种架构的计价策略。
- Validity and advancement of pricing strategy from Moly chemical products on basis of "JDC"moly resource will be benefit for improvement of ... “JDC”资源性产品尤其是钼化工产品定价策略的有效性和先进性对增强企业竞争力和发展后劲具有较大影响。
- The Little Smart has taken rapid development recently with favorable price strategy. 近几年,小灵通低价出击,迅速发展,除了用户数的增长外,增值业务成为发展新亮点。
- If all the attentions are paid to the tactic techniques(like pricing strategy ect.) for the positioning and strategic issues,it is in vain. 如果寄希望于战术层面的技巧,(如价格策略等)去解决定位等战略问题,是于事无补的。
- Validity and advancement of pricing strategy from Moly chemical products on basis of "JDC"moly resource will be benefit for improvement of . 资源性产品尤其是钼化工产品定价策略的有效性和先进性对增强企业竞争力和发展后劲具有较大影响。
- And defers to the effect payment in the price strategy, but collects the very high yearly payment. 并且在价格策略上不是按照效果付费,而是收很高的年费。