- nomina generalia 普通名词
- The Pharaoh's fifth name was his (or her) birth name (or nomen). 法老的第四个名字是法老的王名(或者是第一个名字)。
- Quia fecit mihi magna qui potens est, et sanctum nomen eius. 全能者给我作了奇事,祂的名号何其神圣 ...
- Nomen pronomen verbum adverbium participium coniunctio praepositio interiectio. (名词、代词、动词、副词、分词、连词、介词、叹词。)
- A new domestic sewage treatment system was studied, which consisted of circled-flow and floating-floor soilless cultured Cannas generalia. 研究利用循环水流一浮床种植美人蕉系统处理生活污水的效果。
- Non, Xiaolong est meum praenomen, nomen meae familiae est Li. In China dicitis nos primo nomen familiae, tum praenomen. 不是,小龙是我的名,我的姓是李。在中国我们首先说姓,然后才是名。
- Sticking with meteorological nomen clature, we called the big one Hurricane and the small one Squall. 我们沿用气象命名法,给大的起名为“飓风”,小的叫做“暴风雪”。
- There are five titles going with Egyptian pharaohs, which are Horus name, nebty name(Two Ladies), Golden Horus name, prenomen and nomen. 埃及法老的王衔分五部分,即荷鲁斯、两女神、金荷鲁斯、登基名和姓。
- Meum nomen est Li Xiaolong. 我的名字是李小龙。
- Noli nomen vocare.? 不愿呼唤的名字 ?
- Keywords Malus;taxonomy;epidermis of leaves;seed coat;flora and geographic distribution;origin and evolution;new taxonomic system;nomina conservanda; 苹果属;分类;叶表皮;种皮;区系地理;起源演化;新分类系统;保留名;
- acta generalia [拉]一般记录
- in such a case it would take authorship and date [Arts. 50, 21] from that act of establishment, not from any earlier publication as a nomen nudum. 在此情形下,可自建立该名称的举动取得命名者身份和命名日期[第50条,第21条],而非自任何较早发表的一个无资格名称。
- A nomen nudum is not an available name, and therefore the same name may be made available later for the same or a different concept; 一个无资格名称不是适用名称,因此基于同一观念或不同观念,以后可使该名称成为适用;
- Paris Nomina Anatomica 巴黎解剖学名词
- nomina n. nomen的复数形
- Nomina Anatomica 解剖学名词
- nomina anatomica Japonica (拉)日本解剖学名词
- Nomina Anatomica Paris 巴黎解剖学名词
- nomina conservanda 保留名