the chemical process in which a nitro group is added to an organic compound (or substituted for another group in an organic compound)
the oxidation of ammonium compounds in dead organic material into nitrates and nitrites by soil bacteria (making nitrogen available to plants)
用作名词 (n.)
Nitrification is an important step to affect nitrogen removal in biological treatment processes. 生物脱氮系统中,硝化作用好坏是影响脱氮工艺效率的重要步骤。
The effects of salinity on the nitrification of activated sludge without acclimation and with acclimation were studied respectively on the basis of batch experiments. 通过批量试验系统研究了盐度对常规活性污泥硝化作用的影响以及污泥在含盐环境中经过驯化后其硝化功能的变化。