- His new way of teaching produced a good effect. 他的新教法产生良好的效果。
- We like his way of teaching English. 我们喜欢他教英语的方式。
- negotiated way of teaching 协商式教学
- Do you think the new way of teaching will hold the smart children back? 你认为这种新的教育方法会阻止聪明儿童的进步吗?
- Qi Guilian's students always remember her special way of teaching them to show love and respect. 齐桂莲的学生对齐老师教育他们热爱他人、尊重他人的方法记忆犹新。
- The term, the faculty narration, refers to a literary way of retelling the remorse or experiences of teaching. 教师叙事是指教师以叙述教育故事的方式陈述和反思教育经验,具有被动的、俗性叙事和主动的、想性叙事的层次区分。
- Coventry University lecturers have developed a new way of teaching students - via their mobile phones. 英国考文垂大学开发出教学新方法,教师可以通过手机进行教学。
- His way of sleeping makes me cringe. 他睡觉的方式令我生厌。
- I mentioned this point by way of cautioning you. 我提出了这一点用以警告你。
- Such values are central to our way of life. 这些价值对于我们的生活方式是至关重要的。
- He sees the chores as a way of teaching empathy and stewardship -- taking care of the community assets, says the Tulsa, Okla. 他觉得这些家务活是培养同情心和做好社区资产管家的途径。
- I prefer this system of teaching English. 我喜欢这一种英语教授方法。
- I couldn't persuade him to my way of thinking. 我没法说服他接受我的想法。
- Have you had any experience of teaching English? 你有过教英语的经验吗?
- Her social life get in the way of her study. 她的社交生活妨碍了学业。
- This is an experimental form of teaching. 这是一种实验性的教学形式。
- That weak wife, Brother, ought to bring out the protective instinct in you or may be God's way of teaching you love, patience and mercy. 弟兄,你那位软弱的妻子,应该会引发出你内在的保护本能,这也许是上帝教导你有关爱、耐心及怜悯的方式。
- She is unschooled in the way of the world. 她不懂人情世故。
- Free will makes us able to choose our way of life. 自由的意志使我们可以选择自己的生活方式。
- The only way of teaching children foresight when anlysis questions is to get sucess in a short period so that they can be actived to do like that. 教育孩子们看问题要有长远目光的唯一途径,是让孩子近期内便尝到某种甜头,从而激励他们那样去做。