- national language policy 国语政策
- Take Taiwanese language policy for example. 就以台湾的语言政策来说。
- Portuguese is the national language of Brazil. 葡萄牙语是巴西的民族语言。
- Every nation has its common national language. 每个民族都有各自的民族共同语。
- The national language is Bahasa Indonesia. 国家通用语言是印尼语。
- National language course is a basic subject. 国语课是一门基础性学科。
- Students should first master the national language. 学生必须首先学好国文。
- In multiethnic countries, establish an appropriate language policy. 在多民族的国家中制定正确的民族语言政策。
- Only after further inquiry did I discover that this is a national public education language policy. 经查问,方知这是其公共教育的一项语言政策。
- Language policy refers to language planning with legal or regulatory force. 语言政策是指具有法律、法令或政令形式的语言规划。
- Russian is still widely used alongside the national language, Uzbek. 俄语仍然广泛地与官方语言乌兹别克语并用。
- It's yet another modification that the government's made in its language policy for schools. 这是政府给予学校的语文政策另一项修改。
- Standardize national languages with dialectal differences. 对有方言分歧的民族语言进行规范化。
- Language policy and language planning(LPP) is an indispensable section in sociolinguistics. 语言政策和语言规划是社会语言学研究的重要内容。
- Language: The National language is Pilipino, which is based on Tagalog. English is widely spoken. 语言:国语是以他加禄语为基础的菲律宾语,通用英语。
- Afterward, Britain colonizes the government in India to start to formulate the language policy promotion English. 随后,英国在印度的殖民政府开始制定语言政策推广英语。
- There are several aspects to customizing for localization and national language support. 定制系统的本地化和国家语言支持包括以下几个方面。
- Language planning and language policy (LPLP for short) is relatively young as a field of formal academic study, dating roughly from the 1960s. 语言规划和语言政策作为学术领域的研究大体是从二十世纪六十年代开始的。
- The dictionary is compiled by the experts of the National Language Working Committee. 由国家语委专家编写。除对词语的读音进行规范外,特别标注了轻声及儿化,有助於读者克服学习国语中的难点。
- This allows one to have the same layout, but have the text in the correct national language. 这为我们提供了相同的布局,而且以正确的本地语言显示文本。