- musculi glossopharyngeus [医] 舌咽肌
- Conclusion The parameters can be used as the basic elements in the diagnosing the musculi diseases. 结论提供正常胸大、小肌声像图的形态、大小、肌肉的回声,正常胸大肌的超声图像及数值,可作为病变诊断的基础参数。
- The abdomen is anxious, is you contracts the musculi abdominis to create intentionally, why can you like this? 腹部紧张,是你故意收缩腹肌造成的,你为什么要这样呢?”
- Conclusion The partial excision of musculi puborectalis is the method which h... 结论耻骨直肠肌部分切除术治疗耻骨直肠肌综合征方法简便,疗效好,并发症少。
- Non-monotone curve of the musculi skeleti is divided into two parts at the turning point between monotone increasing and monotone decreasing. 在骨骼肌非单调变化曲线的单调增与单调减变化的转折点处分段,分别建立灰模型。
- Objective To diagnose the diseases of musculi pectoralis major,it is important to recognize the ultrasonic image of normal musculi. 目的正确识别健康人胸大肌声像图,为其病变诊断提供依据。
- Methods: 68 cases of children with RRTI were treated by Injection of Astragali as the musculi dorsi reactant and 51 cases by levamisole as control. 方法:68例RRTI患儿采用背肌反应物注射黄芪注射液治疗,并与左旋咪唑治疗51例进行疗效对比观察。
- Methods We compared the musculi pectoralis major of healthy human being with the fresh motion musculus of pig,in vitro,by the high frequency ultrasound. 方法通过高频超声检查健康人正常胸大肌,及猪离体新鲜运动肌水槽内超声检测。
- Methods We compared the musculi pectoralis major of healthy human being with the fresh motion musculus of pig, in vitro ,by the high frequency ultrasound. 方法通过高频超声检查健康人正常胸大肌,及猪离体新鲜运动肌水槽内超声检测。
- First, I am the handcart goal: Trains the young child body to be hanging, two are well-grounded crawling. Exercise neck muscle, arm muscle, back muscle and musculi abdominis.... 一、我是手推车目的:训练小儿身体悬空,两手着地爬行。锻炼颈肌、臂肌、腰肌及腹肌。...
- Methods Internal linking porous hydroxyapatite was wrapped up in the place of orbital collapse, autogenous or heterogenous scleral shell and implanted in oculus musculi cone. 方法用国产及进口内联多孔羟基磷灰石包埋入眼眶塌陷处、自体或异体巩膜壳内,置入眼肌锥内。
- Methods Internal linking porous hydroxyapatite was wrapped up in the place of orbital collapse,autogenous or heterogenous scleral shell and implanted in oculus musculi cone. 方法 用国产及进口内联多孔羟基磷灰石包埋入眼眶塌陷处、自体或异体巩膜壳内,置入眼肌锥内。
- Obsjective: To observe the preventive and curative effect of musculi dorsi reactant injection (MDRI) for repeated respiratory tract infection (RRTI) in infant. 目的:观察背肌反应物注药对小儿呼吸道反复感染RRTI)的防治作用。
- Results According to the histologic anatomy,we recognized the musculi characters and basic parameters,such as shape,size,echo-pattern,the change of musculi and dynamics of blood flow. 结果结合组织学结构确认肌肉声像图特征,动态变化以及血流动力的基础参数。
- Strengthening pectoralis muscle, musculi dorsi and scapula muscle: Right hand holding dumb bells, two arms opening to both sides at the same time, inspiration, gathering front chest again, expiration. 增强胸肌、背肌和肩胛肌:右手抓住哑铃,两臂同时向两侧张开,吸气,再向胸前合扰,呼气。
- In Shanghai which soon arrives sings, Guo Fucheng besides continues big Xiu his musculi abdominis and the dance step, will also challenge gymnastics prince on the spot Li Xiaopeng. 在即将到来的上海个唱上,郭富城除了继续大秀自己的腹肌和舞步以外,还将现场挑战“体操王子”李小鹏。
- vagina tendinum musculi extensoris digitorum longi 趾长伸肌腱鞘
- vagina tendinum musculi flexoris digitorum longi 趾长屈肌腱鞘
- arcus tendineus musculi levatoris ani 肛提肌腱弓
- bursa subtendinea musculi latissimi dorsi 背阔肌腱下囊