solid homogeneous inorganic substances occurring in nature having a definite chemical composition
用作名词 (n.)
In the financial crisis, the Anshan Iron and minerals in promoting low-cost strategy has achieved remarkable results. 在金融危机以来,鞍钢在推进矿产品低成本战略方面取得了显著的成效。
The steel industry's race for minerals, however, pits it directly against those mining giants, who are equally eager to snap up any coal or iron-ore deposits that go on the block. 不过钢铁业追逐矿产品的行动使它们与矿业巨头形成了正面交锋之势,后者也同样热切希望攫取任何拟出售的煤矿和铁矿。
Some epicontinental minerals are very useful. 有些大陆矿物很有用。
The country is poor in minerals. 这个国家矿物不丰富。
The country is rich in minerals. 这个国家矿产资源丰富。
Congolese minerals and timber are exported through Rwanda. 刚果的矿产资源与木材要经过卢旺达才能出口。