- But much of its military hardware is outdated. 但是其大部分的军事设施都已过时。
- He has little interest in military hardware or heroism. 他对军事用品和英雄主义不感兴趣。从上面可以看出
- They have launched spy satellites and other space-faring military hardware. 它们都发射了间谍卫星和其它的太空军事设施。
- A last-minute cancellation on a rush order for military hardware cost us a staggering $1200. 有一张军用器械的紧张定单在最后一分钟取消了,使我们损失了1200美元。
- The White House said yesterday that the ship was laden with tank parts, explosives, and other military hardware. 白宫昨天宣布说那只船装载着坦克部件、炸弹和其他重型武器。
- During this period, Russia became the largest supplier of military hardware to India. 在此期间,俄罗斯成为了印度最大的军事硬件供应方。
- They are a long way behind in terms of military hardware but are clawing back some ground. 从军队硬件来看还有很长的路要走,不过他们正在逐渐缩小这种差距。
- Military hardware is the machinery and equipment that is used by the armed forces, such as tanks, aircraft, and missiles. 军事装备是军队使用的机器和设备,比如坦克、飞机和导弹。
- He rouses nativist crowds by fretting that America cannot be secure unless it is self-sufficient in food, energy and military hardware. 他鼓动本土主义者,说美国不可能安全,除非它在食物、能源和重型军事装备上自给自足。
- Metrosexual man has little interest in military hardware or heroism and wants his friends to support him “unconditionally. 他们对军事用品和个人英雄主义不感兴趣,希望自己的朋友能够“无条件地”支持他们。
- As a sign of India's changing strategic outlook, New Delhi has moved away from almost exclusive reliance on Moscow for its military hardware. 印度政府改变了几乎单纯依赖莫斯科提供军事装备的做法,这显示新德里的战略观念正在转变。
- The ridiculous amount of money some countries spend on military hardware is absurd when considering the number of people starving in many developing countries. 考虑到一些发展中国家挨饿的人的数量,一些国家把大量资金花费在重型军事装备上显得很荒谬。
- The year-long sale process has been complicated by Daewoo Heavy's involvement in the defence industry through a subsidiary that produces engines and military hardware. 大宇重工通过一家子公司介入国防工业,令历时一年之久的出售过程变得复杂。这家子公司生产引擎和军用硬件。
- If Pendry is right, such technology could be used for a variety of purposes, from hiding military hardware the size of warships or other objects such as unsightly buildings. 如果泼恩德利是正确的,那么此类技术就能被用于各种用途,比如隐藏军舰大小的军事装备或大楼等其它物体。
- Having already spent at least $4.4 billion on Russian weapons, he has now secured an additional $2.2 billion credit-line from that country to lavish on more military hardware. 他已经花了至少四十四亿美金购买俄罗斯武器,现在,他确保了从俄罗斯获得二十二亿美金的贷款,用以更进一步地增补军事硬件。
- Hundreds of thousands of participants marched past Tiananmen Square in costume or uniform, with floats and dancers mingling with soldiers and military hardware. 参加者的游行数十万服装或制服在过去的天安门广场,与花车和舞蹈演员与士兵和军事装备。
- The 60th anniversary celebration in Beijing on Oct. 1 will impress, if not frighten, the world with an arresting display of military hardware and goose-stepping soldiers. 中国在10月1日举行60周年国庆庆典,其展示出的军事硬实力和士兵风采将给全世界留下深刻印象。
- Official documents suggest that America may also have secretly arranged for tanks and other military hardware to be shipped to Iraq in a swap deal-American tanks to Egypt,Egyptian tanks to Iraq. 官方文件显示,美国还可能在一份武器交易中,秘密安排将坦克及其他军事装备运抵伊拉克:美国的坦克被运往埃及,埃及的坦克被运往伊拉克。
- Without thoughtfulness and attention to detail (especially the detail that can be provided by good intelligence), all the military hardware in the world is insufficient to protect a state against others that bear old grudges against it. 如果考虑不周和不注意细节(特别是当细节可以通过情报而得到的情况下),世界上所有的军事硬件都不足以使一个国家抵御它的宿敌。
- China has been Pakistan's biggest supplier of military hardware for well over four decades, keeping supply lines intact even when the US and others embargoed military sales to Islamabad. 过去40多年,中国一直是巴基斯坦最大的武器装备供应国,即使在美国和其它国家对巴基斯坦实施武器禁售期间,中国也没有中断供应。