- midwing monoplane 中单翼机
- He is used to. flying in a monoplane. 他习惯于坐单翼机飞行。
- He is used to.flying in a monoplane. 他习惯于坐单翼机飞行。
- Monoplane flying angels need to embrace. 单翼的天使需要拥抱飞翔。
- In 1804 Cayley designed and built a model monoplane glider of strikingly modern appearance. 1804年剀利爵士设计制造了一架外观颇为现代的单翼滑翔机模型。
- The present investigation was carried out on a one-sixth scale model of a low wing single engine tractor monoplane. 于是在很多的论文之中有许多的新架构被发表出来,这些架构可以减少记忆体读取的延迟和降低记忆体对能源的消耗。
- This new plane was a beautiful monoplane characterized by a streamline frontal area. 这款新飞机具有流线型的前端,是一架美观的单翼机。
- Describes the application of the special function of Philips FD20 monoplane angiography system in clinic. 本文介绍了飞利浦FD20平板血管造影系统特殊功能在临床上的应用。
- My little single-engine monoplane, carrying only smoke rockets to mark targets, was Bird Dog. 我的小型单引擎单翼飞机名叫“鸟狗”,只携带有烟幕火箭,以便指示出敌军的目标。
- Your I all am the monoplane wing angel, only has each other hug to be able to spread the wings to soar. 你我都是单翼的天使,唯有彼此拥抱才能展翅飞翔。
- The sesquiplane (a monoplane with additional half-wings) was meant to be powered by a steam engine mounted inside the rounded body of the machine. 这架翼半式飞机(附加半翼的单翼机)依靠安装在机体圆形装置内的蒸汽机提供动力。
- The first all-metal monoplane, designed by Hanna Reissner of Germany, which first flew in 1912, had wings of pure aluminum. 因为很少有像飞机那样的制品对材料的性质、重量及工作温度有那样严格的要求。
- Has a single basin, basin monoplane, cluster basin, double basin, basin, such as wings polishing, sanding, electric grinding, polishing or not available. 有单盆、单翼盆、子母盆、双盆、双翼盆等抛光、砂光、电磨、或不抛光供选择。
- Three years later he inscribed a medalion which clearly showed the forces that apply in flight.On its reverse he sketched his plan for a monoplane gliding machine. 3年后他刻了一枚银章,正面是机翼上各种作用力的说明,背面是一架单翼滑翔机的草图。
- One of the airmen engaged in this pioneer service was the famous Gustav Hamel,flying a Beriot monoplane,and t remember going out one afternoon to see him start off with one of the bags of mail. 著名的古斯塔夫·哈梅尔就是承担这项先驱任务的飞行员之一,他驾驶的是布雷里奥式单翼飞机。
- One of the airmen engaged in this pioneer service was the famous Gustav Hamel, flying a Beriot monoplane, and t remember going out one afternoon to see him start off with one of the bags of mail. 著名的古斯塔夫·哈梅尔就是承担这项先驱任务的飞行员之一,他驾驶的是布雷里奥式单翼飞机。
- The Grumman F4F Wildcat was originally intended as a biplane successor to the F3F, but after the design was beaten out by the Brewster Buffalo, the Wildcat was reconfigured as a monoplane. 在格鲁曼F4F野猫原本打算作为双翼飞机继承F3F ,但在被殴打的设计由布鲁斯特水牛,野猫被重新作为一个单翼。
- low-wing monoplane with cranked wings 倒海鸥式长翼单翼机
- len(),lenw(),right(), rightw(),left(),leftw(),mid(),midw(),pos(),posw 还是建议使用8.;03,这个版本对字符串的处理提供了两套函数,例如:
- midwing n. 中翼