- To be equal to the number of seconds since midnight local time, divided by 2. 等于自当地时间午夜以来的秒数除以2。
- Just after midnight local time a magnitude 5.7 quake hit an area near China's western border with Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, about 20 minutes after the Kyrgyzstan tremor. 当地时间5日21时52分,在中国西部与吉尔吉斯斯坦和塔吉克斯坦交界的地区,发生5.;7级地震,20分钟后,吉尔吉斯斯坦感到震动。
- Closer to midnight local time the only action to be seen or heard from the mountains 20 miles north of Kabul was the anti-Taliban United Front's rocketing of enemy positions in the plains below. 直到当地时间午夜时分,在这距喀布尔以北约20英里的山地所看到,或者说听到的军事行动只是反塔联合阵线用火箭炮攻击低处平原上敌军的阵地。
- We reach Delhi at 1400 hours local time. 我们於当地时间14时到达德里。
- midnight local time 当地时间午夜
- What is the local time when we arrive at Frankfurt? 请问我们到达法兰克福时,当地是什么时间?
- I have to reset my watch to local time. 我得把表调到当地时间。
- We adjusted our watch to local time. 我们按照当地时间把手表校准。
- What is the local time in Paris? 巴黎的当地时间是几点?
- China says anyone who took part in the demonstrations must give themselves up by midnight, local time, on Monday. 中国发表声明,任何参与这次分裂活动的人都必须在当地时间周一午夜之前自首。
- I'd like to set my watch to the local time. 我要把我的表拨到当地时间。
- The local time is there in the afternoon,sir. 先生,纽约当地时间是下午三点。
- The local time is three in the afternoon,sir. 先生,当地时间是下午3点。
- The space shuttle will blast off at ten,local time. 航天收音机将于当地时间10时正发射升空。
- It will be 1 a.m. local time when we land. 当我们降落时,当地时间将是凌晨1点。
- Excuse me,do you know the local time in London now? 对不起,现在伦敦的当地时间是几点呢?
- You need to reset your watch to local time. 你需要把表调整到当地时间。
- We reach Delhi at 2 o'clock local time. 我们在当地时间2时到达德里。
- Can you tell me the local time of San Francisco. 请你告诉我旧金山的当地时间。
- Object that represents a local time of 3 P.M. 例如,考虑一个表示本地时间下午3点的。