- PCR technology is one of important means for the test of outmoded, polluted, decayed, degraded and micro material evidence, and makes the authentic interpretation about explaining Kanasi guess. PCR技术是陈旧、污染、腐败、降解和微量物证检验的重要手段之一,在破解喀纳斯猜想中作出了权威解释。
- Study on Function of Micro Material Evidence on Scene of Crime for Investigation 试论现场微量物证的侦破作用
- micro material evidence 微量物证
- Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence. 信仰非基于逻辑或物质证明的坚定信念
- Other kinds of material evidence. 其他有决定性影响的证据。
- The systematic recovery and study of material evidence, such as graves, buildings, tools, and pottery, remaining from past human life and culture. 考古学对过去人类的生活及文化保存下来的物质证据,如坟墓、建筑物、工具及陶器等的系统的恢复与研究
- Faith: belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence. 非基于逻辑或物质证明的坚定信念;
- The aqueduct is the material evidence of mankind civilization development. 高架渠是人类文明发展的主要物证。
- Micro material mechanical performance test is a fundamentality of design and manufacture for MEMS, high-accuracy measurement of weak signal is needed. 微材料力学性能测试是微机电系统设计制造过程中的重要环节,需要对低电平微弱信号进行高精度测量。
- He evidenced his accusation with some material evidence. 他以一些物证作为控告的证据。
- Wave-particle duality, which means particle has characteristics of wave and vice versa, reveals the duality of micro material universe. That is the most basic feature of quantum mechanics. 波粒二象性指粒子有波动性,波有粒子性,它揭示了微观物质世界的二重性,这是量子力学的最基本特征。
- The straight logic is: As soon as the "Human Testimony(Evidence) and Material Evidence" OK, the case is OK faultlessly. 毕竟,传统的定案焦点在于“人证物证”,传统司法直线理念:只要“人证物证齐全”,那这案子就是板上钉钉,硬梆梆的错不了。
- The systematic recovery and study of material evidence,such as graves,buildings,tools,and pottery,remaining from past human life and culture. 考古学对过去人类的生活及文化保存下来的物质证据,如坟墓、建筑物、工具及陶器等的系统的恢复与研究
- What Americans seem to want is material evidence of success-money, position, education, and the consumer goods that are in vogue at the moment. 什麽是美国人似乎想要成功的物质证据呢-金钱、地位、教育(程度)和当代时尚的消费品。
- Digital material evidence examination will make a collection, treatment, store, exporting and management for picture by using computer picture process techninques. 数字化物证检验,指采用计算机图像处理技术,对图像进行采集、存储、输出和管理;
- Mention close child appraisal, director of center of appraisal of material evidence of judicatory of boreal capital experting luck Dr.Deng Yajun without preamble. 谈起亲子鉴定,北京华大方瑞司法物证鉴定中心主任邓亚军博士开门见山。
- micro material tracing technology 微量物质示踪技术
- It has been proved by some experiments focused on micro materials, which are done by Fleck, Stolken, Evans and others, that metal may be affected by size when its character length is in the level of micron. 一些测量小尺度材料的实验,如Fleck等人的细铜丝扭转试验,Stolken和Evans的薄梁弯曲试验都证明当非均匀塑性变形的特征长度为微米量级时,金属材料呈现出很强的尺度效应。
- Survey the scene of the accident and collect relevant material evidences. 勘查事故现场,搜集有关物证。
- There is no material evidence. 没有物证。