- Appearance:Pure grey metal powder. 外观:纯灰色金属粉末。
- A Brief Introduction to Canadian Quebec Metal Powder Company Ltd. 加拿大魁北克金属粉末有限公司简介
- The peak of temperature is more high with metal powder, as a result of absorptivity is more high. 添加金属粉末时,材料表面对激光的吸收率增强,同一测量点的峰值温度升高。
- The sintering method, and metal powder slurry foaming can make metal foams even in the solid state. 采用金属粉末烧结法、浆料发泡法等制备工艺可以从固相制备金属泡沫材料。
- The bright nanometer Ag powder is one important type of the precious metal powder materials. 纳米光亮银粉是贵金属粉体材料的重要品种之一。
- F4 filler such as glass fiber, graphite, metal powder to increase its temperature, and wear resistance. F4填充如玻璃纤维、石墨粉、金属粉等以提高其耐温性、耐磨性。
- This paper introduced international interlaboratory test about tungsten metal powder which was organized by BAM/GDMB. 介绍了由德国BAM/GDMB组织的金属钨粉国际实验室间试验。
- The sintering method,and metal powder slurry foaming can make metal foams even in the solid state. 电沉积法以及气相沉积法可用于制备高孔隙率的金属泡沫材料。
- Spheroidization is an extraordinary adverse factor for direct metal laser sintering of metal powder. 在金属粉末直接激光烧结成形时,球化效应是一个非常不利的因素。
- We are a manufacture of deep-processed ferroalloy . We produce feroalloy powder , metal powder in various specification and granularity . 我公司为铁合金深加工企业,主要有各种粒度的铁合金粉末、金属粉末产品。
- The method can separate the metal powder and nonmetal powder effectively and can not damage environment and human health. 该工艺能实现金属和非金属材料-的高效分离,有助于非金属材料的深层次应用。
- Solid metal can be formed by various methods,including metal powder slurry foaming,or extrusion and sintering of polymer/powder mixtures. 固态金属可以通过粉末冶金法、粉末发泡法、金属空心球法和金属粉末纤维烧结法来实现;
- On basis of the early work [1],the computation,design and construction of the compacting dies for metal powder billet have been described. 在文献[1]的基础上,叙述并归纳了金属粉末钢模压制成形坯及相应的压制模具结构的设计与计算方法、内容和步骤;
- In the study on additive, metal powder including superfine nickel powder(T210 and 125 5),copper powder and nickel fiber, acetylene black and cobalt oxide(CoO) were involved. 研究了超细镍粉、铜粉、镍纤维、乙炔黑和CoO等添加剂对镍氢电池负极电化学性能的影响。
- The method,equipment and mechanism of explosive compaction of metal powder are discussed,and the application to the synthesis of intermetallics and diamond are introduced. 本文讨论了金属粉末爆炸压制工艺方法、装置和机理,同时介绍了该工艺在金属化合物、金刚石等合成领域的应用。
- Metal powder injection molding is a new net-shape forming technology,which is the result of plastic injection technology combined with powder metallurgy technology. 金属粉末注射成形技术是现代塑料注射成形技术与粉末冶金技术相结合形成的一门新型粉末冶金近净成形技术。
- Mechanism of metal powder rolling where powder weight keeps constant before and after powder rolling,is different from that of conventional dense metal rolling. 金属粉末轧制机理与传统的致密金属轧制机理不同,在这里适用的是粉末轧制前后粉末重量相等原理。
- For example,plasma atomization technique has achieved developments greatly in thefield of preparing spherical metal powder and producing ultrafine powder. 如:等离子技术已在制备球形金属粉末、生产超细粉末等领域获得了很大的发展。
- The results show that: the specimens with metal silicon or aluminum powder become denser because the plastic metal powder contributes to filling the space. 结果表明:在纯碳化硅材料中分别加入硅、铝粉之后,由于金属的延展性,在成型过程中有利的填充了碳化硅颗粒间的空隙,使得干坯更加致密。
- The upsetting test of metal powder sintered preform by blow speed of the hydraulic press,crank press,pneumatic hammer and high energy rate forging hammer was reported. 研究了用液压机、曲柄压力机、空气锤及高速锤的打击速度对粉末冶金烧结体进行的镦粗试验。