- memory strategy use 记忆策略使用
- This study aimed to explore online strategy use among EFL Learner's of different language proficiencies. 摘要本研究目的为探讨以英语为外语学习者网路阅读策略之使用。
- This study aimed to explore online strategy use among EFL learners of different language proficiencies. 摘要本研究目的为探讨以英语为外语学习者网路阅读策略之使用。
- In order to make Bayesian Optimal Algorithm(BOA) be able to optimize dynamically,an Environment Identification based Memory Strategy(EIMS) is proposed. 摘要 为了使贝叶斯优化算法(BOA)具有动态优化能力,提出了基于环境辨识的记忆策略(EIMS)。
- The strategy used is to assume values for two parameters. 常用的作法是假设两个参数的数值。
- As the improvement of volitional control, the strategy use of cognition, action and general beliefs are increased. 意志控制水平有利于认知策略、行为策略和一般信念等适应能力水平的提高;
- For an SCC, the default quorum strategy uses a shared disk. 对于单一副本群集来说,默认仲裁策略将使用一个共享磁盘。
- The self-evalu ation and the evaluation from the peer students in strategy use improve the stra t egy learning autonomy. 其中策略的调查在揭示学习者行为实质方面的作用已获得了普遍的认同。
- Basic features of pupils’ effective learning consist of active involvement, concentration, active participation, strategy use and comprehension. 小学生有效课堂学习的基本特征是主动投入、集中注意、积极参与、应用策略、理解领悟。
- It is believed that strategy training incorporated with different tasks can be helpful in encouraging and supporting learners' strategy use in tr... 作者认为教师通过语言意识训练活动提高学生语言能力和翻译能力,通过多样化任务形式提高学生学习翻译的策略。
- Annie Brooking(1999). Corporate Memory:Strategies for Knowledge Management。London:International Thomson Business Press. 庄素玉、张玉文著(民89)。张忠谋与台积电的知识管理。台北:天下远见。
- Instead, it is resorting to a strategy used in Japan earlier this decade. 因此,该机构正转而诉诸于本世纪初日本所采用的策略。
- Poison pills is one strategy used to defend against hostile takeovers. 使用毒药是一种抵御侵略的策略。
- The terrible scene was engraved on his memory. 那可怕的情景铭记在他的记忆里。
- Use this statement to retrieve a text specification of the optimization strategy used for a particular cursor. 此语句用于检索用于特定游标的优化策略的文本说明。
- I can't vouch for the accuracy of my memory. 我无法保证我的记忆正确无误。
- Learners involved in SLA (Second Language Acquisition), including ELLs (Effective Language Learners) and ILLs (Ineffective Language Learners), have been found to vary considerably in strategy use. 研究表明,成功的语言学习者和不成功的语言学习者在语言学习策略的使用上存在很大差异。
- Through the analysis about the cases, it can be argued that to acertain extent the language context created by CBI classroom is helpful to the application of memory strategies in vocabulary expansion. 一系列的分析表明内容性教学所提供的语言环境在一定程度上有助于记忆策略在词汇扩展中的应用。
- Concerning guessing strategies, the order of correlations among guessing strategies and others is followed by metacognitive strategies, memory strategies, usage strategies , resources strategies. 使用策略和各策略的相关系数由高到低为:猜测策略,记忆策略,资源策略和元认知策略。
- It'll be emphasized the action &strategy using the element of combo attack down and delay. 强调使用连续技打击和硬直的动作和策略。