- means of filling the vacancy 弥补方式
- Jack is the best man to fill the vacancy. 杰克是填补这一空缺的最佳人选。
- I don't like stepping into dead men's shoes,but someone must fill the vacancy. 我不喜欢接替死人的位置,可是总得有人填补这个空缺。
- Date of filling: the actual date of filling the return. 填表日期:填写办理纳税申报表的实际日期。
- I don't like stepping into dead men's shoes, but someone must fill the vacancy. 我不喜欢接替死人的位置,可是总得有人填补这个空缺。
- Nancy held a meeting with the human resources director to discuss filling the vacancy. 南西和人力资源部主管召开会议,讨论征人以填补该职缺。
- In the internet society,before the new ethical standards are formed,it is undoubtedly a good try for modern people to fill the abnormal vacancy of internet through the means of education of law and order,and virtues. 在网络社会中 ,新的伦理规范形成之前 ,通过法制、道德教育等手段来填补现时网络中无规范的真空 ,无疑是现代人的一种有益尝试
- The company had just put up a wanted advertisement, when five people came who were willing to fill the vacancy. 这家公司刚刚贴出招聘启事,就有五个人愿来填补缺员。
- The train is a safe means of transportation. 火车是一种安全可靠的交通工具。
- I graduated from an Industrial School with the major of English Secretary. I expect to fill the vacancy of Bar attender. 我是工业学校毕业的,学的是英语文秘专业,我期待能得到吧台生这份工作
- There are three candidates for the vacancy. 这一空缺有三名候选人。
- Simmons said he is ready, in Jefferson after the departure of the team a much-needed new Route scorer, and he hoped they could fill the vacancy on. 西蒙斯表示自己已经准备好了,在杰弗森离开后,球队急需一名新的三号得分手,他希望自己能补上这个空缺。
- Mr Burris was selected to fill the vacancy by Rod Blagojevich, Illinois's governor, who is accused of trying to sell the seat. 伯利斯由伊州州长布拉高维杰挑选,该州长被指控尝试出售参议席位。
- The quickest means of travel is by plane. 最快的交通工具是飞机。
- The Braves Corey Maggette before the Clippers, there may be known that his mission is to fill the vacancy left by the Davis home. 勇士队的马盖蒂之前在快船便有一定名气,他的任务是填补戴维斯出走留下的空缺。
- Loom designers have constantly sought to replace the shuttle as a means of filling insertion. 织机设计人员在一直探求取代梭子引纬的方法。
- In case the office of the Vice-President of the People's Republic of China falls vacant,the National People's Congress shall elect a new Vice-President to fill the vacancy. 中华人民共和国副主席缺位的时候,由全国人民代表大会补选。
- The vacancy has already been filled. 那空缺已有人补上了。
- A casement is a window that opened by means of hinge at the side. 竖铰链窗是一种用边上的铰链开启的窗户。
- The council is making every effort to fill the vacancies. 该委员会尽一切努力找到这些空缺职位的合适人选。