- Both have rejigged their insurance market for individuals and small businesses. 两州都为个人和小企业重新调整保险市场。
- We should focus on our common interests rather than sacrificing the development of the common market for individual interests. 我们应该着眼于我们的共同利益,不能只为各自的利益而影响共同市场的发展。
- While the adopted model may be rational for individual firms, the systemic effect across the sector as a whole equates to a form of anorexia. 所采用的模型对于个别的企业可能是合理的,而在整体上对全行业的系统影响则相当于厌食症的样子。
- It was a seller's market for cars in 1970. 1970年是汽车的卖方市场。
- I'm not in the market for a big, expensive car. 我无意购买大型高价汽车。
- I am in the market for a new car. 我想买辆新车。
- There's no market for these goods. 这些货物没有销路。
- According to the report the after market for these goods is firm. 根据报告,这些商品的后继市场坚挺。
- The radios producers could not find a market for them. 这些收音机制造厂的产品打不开销路。
- Last but not least, the market share of the individual firm should be evaluated. 最后,但并非最不重要的一点是,应该估计个别企业在市场上的份额情况。
- The producers of the radios could not find a market for them. 这些收音机制造厂产品打不开销路。
- Describes security for individual conversations. 介绍各个会话的安全性。
- Confession is a private service for individual? 告解是对个人私下的服务吗?
- The HHI calculates a weighted average market share (which is represented by the sum of the squares of the market shares of each individual firm). HHI指数计算市场份额的加权平均值(用每家公司市场份额的平方和来表示)。
- Repetitions will vary for individual. 重复次数因人而异。
- Our factory has found a market for the products. 我们工厂找到了产品的买主。
- Subscriptions are cheaper for individual members. 个人会员的订阅费要便宜些。
- Smith has worked up a market for his products. 史密斯为自己的产品逐步打开了销路。
- The same is true for individual workers. 对于职工个体也是如此。
- All is for individual, All is for you. 第一个人的架子鼓的效果是怎么出来的??