- It was a sheer chance of history that made him chairman of the KMT. Inwardly,he may not feel he should be responsible to his party. 他做了党主席,只是历史的偶然,在他内心,也许不觉得对国民党负有多少责任。
- I'm tired of this nonsense. Make him talk turkey. 我对这些废话烦透了,叫他直说吧!
- He asked the mason to make him a tombstone. 他要求这个石匠给他做一块墓碑。
- Offers of help just make him uptight. 主动帮助他反而惹他生气。
- They elect him chairman of the committee. 他们选举他为委员会主席。
- The chairman resisted all attempts to make him resign. 董事长抵制一切要他辞职的企图。
- He asked me to make him a mug of coffee. 他要我给他弄杯咖啡。
- We elected him chairman of the board. 我们选举他为董事会主席。
- Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight. 黑暗会使他更加珍惜视力。
- I'll make him pay for his insolence! 他蛮横无礼,我要让他尝尝苦头!
- The meeting constituted him chairman. 会议任命他为主席。
- We tried in vain to make him change his mind. 我们想使他改变主意,结果是白费心机。
- He hated us to call him Chairman Wu. 他非常不愿意我们叫他吴主任。
- His social pretensions make him appear ridiculous. 他冒充上流社会人士而出尽洋相。
- The people elected him chairman. 人民选他当主席。
- A warm overcoat would make him laugh at the worst winter winds. 一件暖和大衣可使他不必畏惧冬季最凛冽的寒风。
- She acted out the role of a wronged lover to make him feel guilty. 她扮作受了冤枉的情人,好让他感到内疚。
- His passion for her make him blind to everything else. 他强烈地爱著她,对其他一切都已熟视无睹。
- His hasty temper made him offensive. 他急躁的脾气使他令人讨厌。
- His clever manipulation of the stock market make him lots of money. 他在股票交易中买卖精明,赚了很多钱。