- major economic speech 关于经济问题的重要演说
- Major economic indicators have reached advanced domestic level. 主要经济技术指标均达到了国内先进水平。
- On the other hand the E.U. is its major economic partner. 从另一个方面来讲,欧盟是她的主要经济合作伙伴。
- The W.H.O. says these disorders have major economic and social costs. 该世界卫生组织说这些疾病具有重大的经济和社会价值。
- In addition to inconvenience, blackouts are causing major economic losses. 停电除了带来不便以外,还会造成经济损失。
- Blair is unlikely to roll back any of the previous ruling party's major economic reforms. 布莱尔看来不可能从上届执政党推行的任何重大经济改革中退缩。
- It predicts that Shanghai will witness an upsurge in direct investment from the world's major economic powers from2002. 这项分析预测,从2002年起,世界主要经济强国在上海的直接投资将急剧上升。
- Chart 3 shows the major economic activity of these enterprise groups while Chart 4 shows source countries/territories of the inward direct investments. 这些企业集团的主要经济活动见于图3,而外来直接投资的来源地则见于图4。
- But the system has so many safeguards that anything apart from a major economic catastrophe is unlikely to shake it. 但这种制度有着许许多多的保障环节,除了特大的经济灾难外,不大可能会发生动
- Growth is widely thought to be the panacea for all the major economic ills of the modern world. 成长,常被视为现代世界里各种重大经济疾病的万灵丹。
- Japan is a major economic power in Asia, a vital, therefore, Koizumi dare to so brazenly is identified. 日本是经济大国;在亚洲举足轻重;小泉所以敢如此肆无忌惮就是看准了这点.
- The system has so many safeguards that anything apart from a major economic catastrophe is unlikely to shake it. 译文:这种制度有着许许多多的保障环节,除了特大的经济灾难外,不大可能会发生动摇。
- But the credit crisis will take its toll on the poor, even on those marginalized by the major economic circle. 但是信用危机必然会影响贫困国家,甚至那些被主要经济圈边缘化的国家也不能幸免。
- Indeed,we are now in the depth of a major economic adjustment,the result of which may be prolonged and painful to everyone. 事实上,我们正处于重大经济调整的非常时期,这个调整期可能会持续一段时间,亦会为所有人带来痛苦。
- Indeed,we are now in the depth of a major economic adjustment,the result of which may be prolonged and painful to many in Hong Kong. 事实上,我们正处于重大经济调整的非常时期,这个调整期可能会持续好一段时间,亦会为香港许多人带来痛苦。
- With regard to major economic and technological indexes, it ranks in the forefront among enterprises engaged in the same trade in China. 山东渤海活塞集团是中国机械工业质量效益型先进企业,主要经济技术指标保持全国同行业领先地位,连续16年夺得国内同行业桂冠。
- It reaffirms that translators and interpreters cannot afford to neglect the cultural factors in the rendering into English of official political and economic speeches. 最后是结论部分,指出在汉语官方政治经济类演讲的英译中,不能忽视文化因素。
- In practical terms, the schools have provided the training and skills which enabled the United States to become a major economic power. 从实际的角度看,正是美国的各类学校所进行的教育培训和技能训练,才使美国成为一个经济强国。
- As these were Mr Bush's first economic speeches since the Democrats took control of Congress, Washington's commentariat was looking closely for any signs of compromise. 自从民主党执掌国会以来,布什首次就经济发表了几次讲话,因此,华盛顿的评论界都在密切关注,看总统是否有任何妥协的迹象。
- With this major economic boon fast approaching, it is important to learn the skills that will be necessary in order to take advantage of it. 这个经济大好事即将来临,最重要是要学好本领,以便有机可乘。