- The surphur has been consided to come from anatexis magma hydrothermal in the deep soure. 认为硫主要来源于深源重熔岩浆热液。
- The mineralizing fluid originates from magma hydrothermal solution,mixingin underground water,and formed a kind of mixing hydrothermal solution. 成矿热液起源于深部岩浆热液,在沿构造上升过程中混合了浅部地下水溶液,形成了一种混合热液。
- The Rongdu gold deposit is formed by the Yenshanian mid - high temperature magmatic hydrothermalism as a product of superimposition and reworking by many ore - forming processes. 五河荣渡金矿床是多种成矿作用叠加、改造的产物,为燕山期中高温岩浆热液形成的。
- Ore formation was dominated by exhalation-sedimentation, subsequently subjected to metamorphism reformation, superposition of magmatic hydrothermalism and supergenesis. 成矿以喷气-沉积作用为主,其后经历了变质改造、岩浆热液叠加及表生氧化作用。
- So, the authors conclude that the stratabound skarn of the Jiama deposit has nothing to do with magma hydrothermal solution, and however, has likely something to do with the hot brine in the basin. 因此,推断甲马矿床层状矽卡岩的形成与岩浆热液没有直接的成因联系,而很有可能是与盆地演化过程中的热(卤)水活动有关。
- Thus, Waizideposit is a remelting magmatic hydrothermal deposit. 因此,该矿床是重熔岩浆热液矿床。
- Upward pressure from underlying magma domes the surface. 地下岩浆的向上推力使地面成圆顶形。
- magma hydrothermalism 岩浆热液作用
- Tin in magma and magmatic hydrothermal solution migrates as forms of tin hydride and tin alloy hydride to shallow crust level which, then are oxidized to tin oxide, tin alloy mineral or combine with S, H2 S, forming tin sulfides. 在岩浆和热液中,锡以锡氢化物、合金氢化物迁移至地壳浅部,锡氢化物、合金氢化物被氧化成锡氧化物、合金矿物,或与硫、化氢作用形成锡的硫化矿物。
- Keywords coal;minor elements;distribution;magmatic hydrothermalism; 煤;微量元素;分布特征;岩浆热液作用;
- It is held that this tremolite jade deposit is probably a magmatic hydrothermal replacement deposit. 初步推断其矿床成因为岩浆热液交代成因。
- Magma extravasated as pressure built under ground. 当地底下的压力生成时,岩浆喷发。
- There has long been controversy on the genesis of the Jiapigou gold ore deposit, metamorphic hydrothermal or magmatic hydrothermal. 吉林夹皮沟金矿床成因,多年来一直存在变质热液和岩浆热液之争。
- The blazing magma was surging by us. 那会儿,炽热的岩浆正从我们的身边奔腾而过。
- These sequences ,together with the regional deep fault,peel fault and magmatic hydrothermal event form a minerogenic system of the Sanzhou ore filed. 这些构造序列与区域性深断裂、剥离断层、岩浆热液活动等事件,构成了三洲矿田的成矿系统。
- The mineralizing fluid includes magmatic hydrothermal fluid, underground thermal brine, metamorphic hydrothermal fluid, atmospheric water and so on. 成矿热液具有岩浆热液、变质热液以及大气降水多种来源。
- The formation of the gold deposit had undergone the process of migmatization,ductile sheering and magmatic hydrothermal superimposition. 金矿床的形成经历了混合岩化作用,韧性剪切作用及岩浆热液叠加的成矿过程。
- Crude: Come on, get on! Magma is coming! 克鲁德:还不快上来,岩浆就要来了!
- C: Between swamps and magma, we will die here! 克鲁德:前有沼泽,右有岩浆,我们完了!
- Ag(polymetal) deposits in the north Hebei poovince are genetically dirvided into volcao-subvolcano hydrothermal type and magmatic hydrothermal type and dominated by the former. 冀北地区银(多金属)矿床成因类型可划分为火山-次火山热液型和岩浆热液型,以火山-次火山热液型为主。