How will taxs affect people with low income? 税收将会如何影响低收入的人群?
Many people on low incomes will be hurt by the government's plans. 很多低收入的人将受到政府这些方案的打击。
The company exploited its workers with long hours and low pay. 该公司用长工时低工资的方法来剥削工人。
There are still people out there, it seems, who think India's outsourcing industry is just a bunch of poorly paid clerks with PhDs doing mind-numbing drudgework. 现在仍有一些人以为,印度的外包产业只是由一群低工资的职员组成,他们有着博士学位,但做着令人头昏脑涨的单调乏味的工作。