- longitudinal joint plate 纵鱼尾板
- Changes of thermal stress of dam heel, upstream face, dam center, dam toe. downstream face for the longitudinal joint of different space are analyzed. 分析了坝体不同间距的纵缝对坝踵、上游面、坝体中心部位、坝趾、下游面的温度应力的影响情况。
- This conclusion is suitable for the main kind of PCEG, transverse joint group as well as other kind of PCEG like longitudinal joint group. 这一结论不及适用于目前民营建筑企业集团的主要类型-横向联合型集团,也同祥适用于纵向联合型等企业集团。
- It is found out that the open joint of the longitudinal joint has increased to different extent after longitudinal joint grouting in the flood sluicing sections of the TGP dam. 三峡泄洪坝段纵缝灌浆后监测资料发现,纵缝缝面存在不同程度的增开现象。
- The paper mainly analyses the methods to reduce transverse joint and longitudinal joint in construction process of asphalt pavement, and introduces how to choose reasonable compacting equipment. 重点浅析了在沥青路面施工过程中尽量减少横向与纵向接缝的处理方法,以及如何选用合理的压实设备。
- The paper introduces the treatments for longitudinal joints of new-used subgrade,new-used pavements and culvert joint,as well as the design of used bridge inforcing. 介绍了旧路改造升级设计中,新旧路基纵缝处理、新旧路面处理、涵洞接缝处理及老桥加固设计。
- There are no key-ways made in the upper longitudinal joints in Fengman Dam and no grouting before impounding. 丰满大坝纵缝上部未设键槽,蓄水前又未灌浆;水平施工缝结合不好,坝体还有各种裂缝,对整体性有一定的影响。
- Brick joints of arch and vault shall be staggered and control line shall be introduced from longitudinal joints to keep straightness of brick surface. 拱或拱顶应错缝砌筑,错缝砌筑的拱和拱顶,应沿纵向缝拉线砌筑,保持砖面平直。
- high-performance concrete filling joint plate 高性能混凝土填缝板
- The longitudinal joints treated by two methods i.e.rolling at 152mm from hot material lane to joints and New Jersey Wedge Joint have also a suitable expression without obvious cracks. 从热料车道距接缝152 mm处碾压和新泽西楔接两种方法处理的纵缝也有适当表现,且没有明显的裂缝出现。
- Pouring without longitudinal joint 通仓浇筑
- Application of Rail Vibration Absorber Joint Plate in Rail Transit 钢轨减振接头夹板在轨道交通上的应用
- Piercing Technology and Die Design for the Joint Plate 连接板冲孔工艺及模具设计
- Grouting of Longitudinal Joint between Segments in TBM Construction TBM施工管片纵缝灌浆研究
- A longitudinal cut from the trunk of a tree. 料板,板皮从树干上纵切下的一块木材
- This paper cover how sections of supper - long span main girder for double girder overhead traveling crane are connected by jointing plates and bolts. 介绍了超大跨度双梁桥式起重机的主梁采用连接板和螺栓组进行分段联接的结构形式。
- The delays put the whole schedule out of joint. 一再的拖延打乱了全部安排。
- joints plate of cross beam flange 横梁上翼缘接头板
- allowable offset in longitudinal joints 纵向焊缝的允许偏移
- She fell and put her knee out of joint. 她摔得膝关节脱臼了。