- The long pile is mainly to control the settlement and the short pile mainly to provide bearing capacity. 采用简化模型对全短桩、全长桩及长短桩组合桩基础在竖向荷载作用下的变形特性进行三维有限元分析。
- Outer and inner ear are same color and short pile material. 耳朵内外颜色一样,材质都是短毛绒。
- a combination of long and short pile foundation 长短组合桩基
- Long and short pile composite foundation 长短桩复合地基
- Processing speciality of double short apron draft and SKF long short apron draft were compared,spinning were done in pure cotton carding variety and combed variety. 对比分析了双短胶圈牵伸与SKF型长短胶圈牵伸的工艺特点,并在纯棉普梳和精梳品种上进行了纺纱对比试验。
- The demon unreal hair with long short length curls to hang down gently fall at her handsome face edge, capricious, the blow on the face of breath of demon small hag with spruce charming and come. 长长短短的魔幻发卷轻轻垂落于她俏丽的面庞边,任性,娇俏的精灵小魔女气息扑面而来。
- composite pile foundation with long and short piles 长短桩组合桩基础
- long- short pile composite foundation 长短桩复合桩基础
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- You can keep my book as long as you like. 我的书你要借多久都随你的便。
- Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time. 果汁若是放置很久,就会发酵。
- The beggar spun a long yarn about his misfortunes. 那个乞丐编造了一大篇自己如何遭遇不幸的故事。
- a usually cotton fabric with a short pile imitating velvet. 模仿天鹅绒的通常是棉布的纤维。
- It begins with three short notes and one long one. 这乐曲以三个短音符和一人长音符开始。
- Based on that, the static resistance of soils in a STN test can be deduced.Numerical examples show that it is satisfactory for short piles with various soil conditions. 由研究成果显示,初始阻尼法可以有效将土壤参数推估而得,且可以更广泛的应用于各种土壤模式。
- Shall we fence with long or short swords? 我们用长剑还是用短剑来较量?
- How long will our food supplies hold out? 我们的储粮还能维持多久?
- To cut a long story short, I decided to stay. 简而言之,我决定留下。
- It was a long trudge up the hill. 那段上山的路很难走。
- Mr Jones has a long history of heart trouble. 琼斯先生有长期的心脏病史。