- loader' s operator cabin 装载车驾驶室
- Road roller' s operator cabin 压路机驾驶室
- Timesharing is an innovation of hotel"s operation. 时权经营是一种新的饭店经营方式。
- Three-dimension CAD model of an operator cabin was built with CATIA software.The model has been inputted into ANSYS through an interface program.After modified properly, the model was meshed. 摘要应用CATIA软件建立了轻型货车驾驶室的三维CAD模型,通过接口程序输入ANSYS软件中,对模型进行适当的修改,以进行模型的离散化。
- Each week produced reams of data on each of ITT's operating unit. 关于国际电话电报公司生产单位的情况,每周都有大量的数据。
- The Aplication of CATIA to External Styling Designing of Engineering Loader's Operator Cabin 装载车驾驶室外部造型设计中CATIA的应用
- He asked if Mr Gilbert' s operation had been successful. 他问吉尔伯特先生的手术是否成功。
- The Deakin researchers have used haptic (sense of touch) technology to allow the robot’s operator to ‘feel’ objects handled by the robot’s gripper. 迪肯大学研究人员使用了触觉技术使机器人的操作者“感觉”到由机器人的夹钳操作的物体。
- The study of the consistency of ABCs shows that Higdon?s operator, Mur?s ABC, dispersive ABC and etc. can be regarded as special cases of the generalized ABC. 吸收边界条件统一性研究表明,Higdon算子、Mur吸收边界条件、色散吸收边界条件等可以看作推广吸收边界条件的特例。
- The design of operator cabin of brick type 积木式推土机驾驶室设计
- Local resection was performed in 6 cases, and Dixon?s operation in 10 cases. 局部切除6例,Dixon手术10例,其中吻合器吻合8例,术后均无并发症,直肠无复发。
- Accidental erasure of crucial data can paralyse company’s operations. 无意中消除一些重要资料会使整个公司的动作陷于瘫痪状态。
- Design of Road Roller's Operator Cabin Based on UG Safeware 基于UG的压路机驾驶室设计
- ISD manned a central enquiries desk on an around the clock basis throughout the PBC's operating period and handled some 9 000 enquiries. 在新闻及广播中心运作期间,政府新闻处在该中心设有一个询问处,全日24小时不停服务,处理超过9000宗查询。
- Beijing IDM institution of bio-technology’s operation scope is research on life sciences and biomedicine. 北京爱迪曼生物技术研究所自一九九二年成立至今主要从事生命科学、生物医学方面的研究。
- L&S operate two podiatric facilities and are well versed in the biomechanics of the foot. L&S生产的鞋垫有对脚有两种医疗作用并且他们精通脚的生物力学方面。
- LSC's operations are guided by the principles of its Safety, Health &Environment (SHE) and Quality policy. 孚宝物流(中国)的运营是在安全、健康、环保以及质量原则的指导下进行的。
- The kinetic results point out it is a hybrid device which is based on peniotron’s operating mechanism. 动力学的分析结果指出,混合型潘尼管是基于潘尼管工作机理的一种混合器件。
- The CTG's operating objective is to create benefts for the state, the people and the enterprise. 正大集团的经营宗旨是:为国家、人民、企业三方面创造效益。
- For U.S. military troops,disease non-battle injury rates have run at about 1 percent since U. S operations began in Afghanistan last November. 自从去年11月美军在阿富汗地区展开军事行动至今,美军士兵的染病率在1%25左右。