- A preliminary study of a novel polyurethane liquid root canal filling material 新型聚氨酯液体根充材料的初步研究
- liquid root canal filling 根管塑化
- Group A were cured by Mummification,Group B removed the pulp,root canal filling performed,Combined with phenol-formaldehyde liquid filling root canal. 组,采用干髓术;B组去髓后根管治疗结合塑化治疗。术后3年、5年对比观察其疗效。
- To evaluate the therapeutic effect of Ca(OH)_2-ZOE paste used for root canal filling of primary teeth. 目的:观察氢氧化钙-ZOE糊剂作为乳牙根管充填材料的疗效。
- Methods Apicoectomy was performed immediately after the permanent root canal filling. 方法对慢性根尖瘘管进行常规根充后,即刻行根尖切除术。
- Conclusion: Antibiotics should not be the main part of root canal filling paste. 结论:抗生素不适合作为根充糊剂的主要成分。
- Ca(OH)_2-ZOE paste is a good material for root canal filling for primary teeth,and can be selectively used for root canal filling for primary teeth. 氢氧化钙-ZOE糊剂用于乳牙根管充填的临床疗效比较理想,是一种可选择的乳牙根充材料。
- ZOE iodoform paste, ZOE and Ca(OH)_2 iodoform paste are more effective materials for root canal filling of primary teeth. ZOE+碘仿糊剂、ZOE+Ca(OH)2+碘仿糊剂作为乳牙根管充填材料较好。
- Objective:To compare the therapeutic effects of Vitapex paste with ZOE iodoform paste used for root canal filling of primary teeth. 目的 :比较氧化锌丁香油糊剂和 Vitapex糊剂作为乳牙根管充填材料的临床疗效。
- Conclusion The FR paste is an effective material for root canal filling of chronicpulpitis and(or) apicitis and has less side effects. 结论FR糊剂适合作慢性牙髓炎及根尖炎的一次性充填,成功率高而副作用小。
- Effects of apical transportation on seal of root canal fillings. 根管偏移对充填材料封闭根管能力的影响。
- Root ZX was used to measure root canal length before and after preparation. Accuraly of root canal filling was evaluated with X-ray examination in the 2 years follow up. 均用ProTaper进行根管预备,Root ZX测量预备前后根管工作长度,根管充填术后摄X线片评价准确性,随访2年。
- At present, Iodoform and Calcium hydroxide are popular agent for temporary medical root canal filling material, which enhances apical lesion resolution and bone regeneration. 碘仿糊剂和氢氧化钙是牙科常用的药性临时充填材,其促进根尖病灶愈合有不错的效果。
- This article observed the experimental periapical disease of dog treated by the new mag-netic adhesive root canal filling material (NMA), phenolio-aldehyde resin and root canal paste. 用新磁胶、酚醛树酯液和根管糊剂加牙胶尖治疗狗牙实验性尖周病。
- Methods: 216 teeth with acute pulpitis without previous treatment were divided into four groups at random, and the canal therapy was completed at one visit with different root canal filling materials. 方法:随机选择急性牙髓炎患者,共216颗患牙,以不同充填材料充填根管,一次性完成根管治疗,对病人进行随访观察疗效。
- Conclusion:Calcium phosphate cement has excellent compatibility with soft and hard tissues, it has the potential of being a root canal filling material available for promoting apical closure. 结论:磷酸钙水门汀与软硬组织有良好的相容性,具有促进根尖孔闭合的生物学作用。
- Identically severe saliva penetration occurred three months after root canal fillings with a ca. 3mm thick IRM restoration as with teeth that were left open coronally. 所以如果根管充填后,牙冠直接用3毫米厚的IRM暂封材暂封,那么三个月后,就可以发生比较严重的唾液微渗漏。
- Objective To explore the clinical effect of collateral branch root canal filled with hot gutta percha guillotine operation. 目的探讨热牙胶挤压术充填侧支根管的临床效果。
- Dental root canal filling pluggers 牙科用根管充填器
- elastic and overflowing root canal filling apex 弹溢式根管充填尖