- limited land usufruct 地产有期性
- Land usufruct is the purpose of land use right. 摘要土地收益权是土地使用权的目的。
- The nation must limit land development. 国家必须限制土地开发。
- The nation must limit land development . 国家必须限制土地开发。
- According to the provisions of law, rural residence land usufruct is forbidden to transfer in China. 摘要农村宅基地是否可以自由流转,关乎农民的切身利益。我国相关法律禁止农村宅基地流转。
- He has dealt with such procedures as land usufruct transfer, lease, mortgage, construction project permission etc. 曾为办理土地使用权出让、转让、出租、抵押和建设项目用地许可证及规划许可证手续,提供法律意见和帮助;
- Chen pointed out in his papers that the dilemma of land ownership and land usufruct was the core problem of land issues in modem China. 陈翰笙著文分析了中国的农村经济,指出土地所有和土地使用的矛盾是现代中国土地问题的核心。
- Lacking the power to bargain with governments and social groups, farmers are at an absolute disadvantage in the game, hence the inevitable erosion of farmers' land usufruct. 在该场博弈中,农民在地检上处于绝对的弱势,不具备与政府和社会集团对话的谈判能力,从而使农民土地收益权遭受侵蚀成为必然。
- Suppose we are bullish on the outlook of the residential property sector because owning a home is every Singaporean's dream and the island has limited land supply. 例如,拥有房屋是每一个新加坡人的梦想,而且这个小岛土地有限,所以我们对于住宅产业前景看好。
- The limited land can no longer produce enough crops for an ever-increasing rural population. 有限的土地不能为日益增加的农村人口提供足够多的农作物支耕作。
- The land usufruct marketization and the urban capital investment financing system reforms release the urban developing motivity from its headstream, which explode the urban construction upsurge and accelerate the processing. 土地使用权市场化及城建投融资体制变革,从源头上释放了城市用地和城建资金两大要素的能量,激发了城市建设热潮,加速了城市发展进程;然而也引发了许多新问题。
- As for the settled enterprise in the Poyang industry park, the land usufruct are got through remised, the price will be 56000 Yuan RMB each mu.The remised type carries out bidding, auction or public. 新落户鄱阳工业园区的企业用地,按不低于国家统一制定的第十四类工业用地最低价格5.;6万元/亩出让,出让方式实行“招标、拍卖、挂牌”。
- A composite 3D cadastre model based on the land usufruct is described. On the basis of it, a 3D conceptual model integrating house property with cadastral information is put forward. 摘要结合目前地籍管理日常业务绝大多数仅涉及到土地使用权信息变更的管理实践,提出了适用于我国的基于土地使用权的复合三维地籍概念模型,并进一步提出了“房地合一”三维地籍概念模型的设计。
- Kuiper Compagnons has created unlimited landscape on limited land by introducing the design philosophy of "multi-dimensional landscape planning". 荷兰高柏伙伴公司通过“多维景观规划”的设计哲学,在有限的土地上创造出无限的景观。
- Abstract : The transfer of the rural housing land usufruct remains a hot topic for years in the field of land management in China partly because of the complexity and difficulties. 摘要 : 农村宅基地使用权流转问题是我国土地管理中的热点和难点。笔者以农村宅基地为研究对象,对宅基地使用权流转进行了探讨。
- But it left great influence on later legislation, ideas and technology of usufruct in civil law; and is worth learning from while China designing corresponding systems of land usufruct. 但是,它对后世民法关于用益物权的立法,在观念和技术上产生的巨大影响却是深远的,值得我国在设计相应土地用益物权制度时加以借鉴。
- For instance,suppose we are bullish on the outlook of the residential property sector because owning a house is every Singaporean's dream while the island has limited land supply. 例如,拥有房屋是每一个新加坡人的梦想,而且这个小岛土地有限,所以我们对于住宅产业前景看好。
- But first,the local government should translate the landownership from collectivity-owned to state-owned,and the land usufruct returning should avoided come into the deviant community. "留地安置"模式可以弥补征地补偿费用的不足,并使失地农民得到基本的生活保障,体现了较公正的权益分配。
- The precision of silviculture technologies is essential for plantation establishment and management, for high efficient utility of limited land and environment resources. 要利用有限的林地和环境资源高效地培育人工林,就要求森林培育技术精准化。
- In addition, this passage also suggests the system should be legislatively set up regarding priority of economic compensation given to staff of workers and reform of state land usufruct. 此外,文章还建议从立法上确立职工经济补偿优先受偿、改革国有企业土地使用权制度。