"one cannot say such things lightly"
"experienced travellers travel light"
"she kissed him lightly on the forehead"
"we eat lightly in the morning"
"he took it lightly"
"spread the margarine thinly over the meat"
"apply paint lightly"
"her speech is only lightly accented"
They love his Grace but lightly.
出自:Richard III , Shakespeare
Leaning back in his armchair..his hands joined lightly at the finger-tips.
出自: M. Sinclair
I'll knock lightly so's not to be rude.
出自: J. P. Donleavy
The adult world pressed only lightly upon me.
出自: Day Lewis
Samplessonly lightly wrapped..in thin paper.
出自: E. Bowen
I then ordered black coffee..and two lightly boiled eggs.
出自: J. Leasor
'Cheer up!' said the man,..punching him lightly on the shoulder.
出自: J. M. Coetzee