- We should make good use of light power, which is renewable. 我们要充分利用光能这个可再生资源。
- The light power of the composite system is equal to the ratio of the two single light power's. 组合系统的光力则为两个单个光力之比。
- The graphs of incidence light power and receiving light power VS shaft angle have high CMRR. 以接收光功率与入射光功率比映射轴角曲线关系具有高的共模抑制比。
- The product made by this company can be used to start mini cars and autobike and other light power supply. 本产品应用于微型汽车、摩托车的启动及其它照明电源。我公司产品型齐全。
- Because of the moving of target and the speedy changing of receiving light power, traditional phase distance measurement way is not adoptable again under the circumstances. 动态目标的运动以及因此带来的接收光强迅速变化,决定了传统的相位测距方案在这种情况下不再适用。
- Arrue, J., Zubia, J., Fuster, G., and Kalymnios, D. (1998) Light Power Behaviour when Bending Plastic Optical Fibres.IEE Proceedings: Optoelectronics. 145(6): 313-318. 石江哲(2007)潜变特性对高分子光纤功率衰减影响之研究,硕士论文,国立屏东科技大,学车辆工程系,屏东。
- A professor from the University of Los Angeles invented a model of high-speed interplanetary airship, which could reach the Pluto only in a year with light power. 洛杉矶大学的一位教授打造出了一种高速星际飞船的模型,利用光能到达冥王星只需一年的时间。
- Adjustment: when the red light turns yellow or disappears, you can open your eyes for a while and then close them again. This can help you re-experience red light power. 调整:当红光渐渐变黄甚至消失,可以将眼睛睁开,片刻后再闭上眼,又可以重新体验一次充满能量的红光洗涤身心。
- In addition, the automatic gain control circuit and accessional phase modulation circuit are designed in order to control light power on the stage of external modulation. 另外设计了自动增益控制电路和附加相位调制电路,对外调制阶段的光功率进行控制。
- He has a bicycle with lights powered by a dynamo. 他自行车上的灯由发电机提供能源。
- How to Make Time Delayed Switch to Supply Sufficienly Lighting Power? 怎样使延时自熄开关向照明灯供电充足些?
- So five years ago, when Bryn was 10, her father, Alan, made her wear a hard hat and goggles and took her to the Florida Power and Light power plant in Port Everglades, where he was a foreman. 5年前即布瑞恩10岁那年,她的父亲艾伦让她戴上安全帽和护目镜,把她带到设在埃弗格莱兹港的佛罗里达动力和照明电发电厂,她父亲就在那个工厂里当工长。
- I groped for the light switch in the dark room. 我在黑暗的房间里摸索着找电灯开关。
- So five years ago,when Bryn was 10,her father,Alan,made her wear a hard hat and goggles and took her to the Florida Power and Light power plant in Port Everglades,where he was a foreman. 5年前,即布瑞恩10岁那年,她的父亲艾伦让她戴上安全帽和护目镜,把她带到设在埃弗格莱兹港的佛罗里达动力和照明电发电厂,她父亲就在那个工厂里当工长。
- Based on Monte-Carlo fundamentals,by matlab program,the performance of light power transformation by an integrating sphere with radius of 100mm and diffuse reflectance of 0.85 was simulated. 100000 photons were randomly sampled and traced. 运用Monte-Carlo法原理;用matlab软件编程;通过随机抽样;追迹了100000个光子;对一半径为100mm;漫反射率为0.;85的积分球的光功率波形变换特性进行了模拟。
- A system of measuring light power and wavelength is designed and fabricated,using silicon color sensor with double PN junction as detector,microcontroller as controller and PC as processor. 设计并实现了一种用硅双结色敏器件作为探测器,单片机作为控制器,PC作为处理器和显示器的光功率、波长同步测量系统。
- Cosmic civilizations of Light powers are headed by spiritual beings on a higher level than inhabitants of a planet themselves. 宇宙光力量文明被冠以灵性存在,比行星自己的居住者处于更高层面。
- The portrait shows fine effects of light and shade. 这幅肖像画的浓淡色调表现得很好。
- The lighting power density (LPD)of general lighting in room or place is taken as the criterion of energy efficient lighting. 针对冶炼厂电解铜车间照明存在的问题,提出了照明节能改造的必要性和改造方案,并分析了节能效益。
- A red light is usually a signal of danger. 红灯通常是危险的信号。