- lifelong education view 终身教育理念
- Lifelong education and the World Wide Web: American hegemony or diverse utopia? 终生教育和万维网:美国独霸还是各国的梦想?
- Lifelong education is a trendy terminology in the age of information and internet. 终身教育在信息和因特网时代成了时髦的字眼。
- Although her formal training ended at high school, her lifelong education in animal husbandry had begun. 虽然她的正规教育到高中就结束了,但她动物饲养的终生教育才刚刚开始。
- Affected by utilitarianism, lifelong moral education becomes the invisible part in lifelong education. 但是受功利主义的影响,终身德育成为终身教育中一个被遮蔽的部分。
- This paper narrates how to update concept and well accept CME and the relationship between CME and lifelong education. 对新形势下卫生专业技术人员如何更新观念,更好地接受继续医学教育及终身学习与继续教育的关系等进行论述。
- Keywords:Lifelong education、Life long learning 、Library role、Libr ary function. 关键字:终身教育、终身学习、图书馆角色、图书馆功能。
- High-level start in lifelong education, diversification in advanced training programs, and standardization in education and training projects. 终身教育高端化,高端培训综合化,培训教育规范化。
- Tao-Xing-zhi brought forward the thoughts of lifelong education including the styles of lifelong, life, populace and subjectivity. 摘要陶行知提出了平民性、终身性、生活性和主体性等终身教育思想;
- The lifelong education is accepted by the world because of some social reasons such as the propagation of the UN and the support of the government. “终身教育”被世界各国普遍接受,有其深刻的社会原因,也得益于学者们的呼吁,联合国的倡导和各国政府的支持。
- Deveolping community education and implementing the lifelong education is the tide and tendancy of the global education. 摘要发展社区教育并努力实施终身教育是世界教育发展的潮流和趋势。
- Lifelong education and lifelong study have the same idea and the same target, but they are different in the starting point and the emphatic point. 终身教育与终身学习有着相同的理念和目标,但在出发点和侧重点方面又有所不同。
- Along with the coming of information age and development of knowledge economy, nowadays, lifelong education becomes the main part of education. 摘要随着信息时代的到来,知识经济的发展,终身教育已成为当今社会教育的主旋律。
- The ability to autonomously learn, one of the essential requirements of lifelong education and the learning-oriented society, ensures an individual's continual development. 提高自主学习能力是终身教育、学习型社会的必然要求,也是一个人持续发展的重要能力。
- Construction of learning society and lifelong education system is the important symbol and inevitable requirement of all-round construction of a well-off society. 摘要构建学习化社会和终身教育体系是全面建设小康社会的重要标志和必然要求。
- Wang Tongzhao investigated the education when traveling in Europe and aesthetic education was his most important educational view. 王统照在旅欧期间对教育进行了专门考察,美育是王统照最重要的教育主张。
- In order to break the confusion, combining the characteristics of our times and the lifelong education, this paper relocates the status and the responsibilities of schooling. 为打破这种困扰,本研究结合时代特点及终身教育背景,对学校教育的地位及其应该承担的责任进行了重新定位。
- During the present time, promoting competence education, developing innovation education and sparkplugging lifelong education have become the basic point of modern society. 当前,推进素质教育,发展创新教育,倡导终身教育已成为现代社会的基本理念。
- Since we approached the 21st century, educational view has transferred from mechanistic philosophy to life philosophy with increasing life consciousness. 进入21世纪,随着人类生命意识的凸显,教育观逐渐从机械论转向生命论。
- The development of the social capital has broken the monopoly of the human capital to the lifelong education,which inaugurates a new realm to the education. 西方社会资本理论的发展打破了传统人力资本对学习型社会的垄断地位,为教育开辟了新的领域。