- The company gave me dunning letters and calls. 这家公司给我来了许多讨债信和催债电话。
- The Function and Present Defects of Letters and Calls System of Complaints from the People and Some Thoughts on Its Reform 我国信访制度的功能、问题及改革思路
- My brother is always at my father's beck and call. 我兄弟总是对我父亲唯命是从。
- She folded up the letter and put it in her pocket. 她把信摺起来放进口袋。
- I unfolded the letter and read it. 我打开信读了起来。
- I'm not at your beck and call, you know. 你要知道,我是不会听你指使的。
- He read the letter and burned it straightway. 他看了信後马上将它烧了。
- The king has always had servants at his beck and call. 国王有奴仆们随时听他使唤。
- I suggest that you tear up the letter and start over again. 我建议你把这封信撕了,再重头开始写。
- She tore up the letter and threw it into the waste basket. 她撕碎了信,把它扔在废纸篓里。
- He cupped his hands around his mouth and called. 他将手掌在嘴边弯成杯形喊叫。
- In his flay, he screwed up her letter and threw it into the wastepaper basket. 他一气之下,把她写来的信揉成一团,扔进了废纸篓。
- I'm tired of being at my mother's beck and call. 我厌烦听任母亲使唤。
- Care staff would be alerted through the normal warden call system. 照看人员通过一个标准看护呼叫系统得到警报。
- Comprehensive coordination, complaint letters and calls reception, discipline supervision and inspection. 综合协调、信访接待、纪检监察。
- Stick a stamp on the letter and then post it. 把信贴上邮票,然后寄出去。
- I'll hang up and call you back, OK? 我先挂了,回头再打给你,好吗?
- MRPC is an open source remote procedure call system. MRPC是一个开源远程过程调用系统。
- Mary read the letter and almost fell back wards, reeling from shock. 玛丽读完信,由于震惊她站立不稳,几乎向后倒了下去。
- Go straight to him home and call for him. 直接去他家叫他一块儿走。