- All subjects performed quadriceps maximal voluntary contraction(MVC) and fastest speed leg extension with different levels(75%,60%,45% 1RM),and 45% fatigue test to all-out. 受试者实施股四头肌最大等长收缩、最快速度不同强度(75%25、60%25、45%251 RM)的伸膝动作及45%25的疲劳测试,记录向心期不同强度的MMG讯号。
- leg extension and exercise apparatus 腿伸展运动器, 腿部牵引和训练器械
- The dog has nipped the postmen on the leg. 这条狗咬了邮递员的腿。
- He banged into a telephone booth and hurt his leg. 他撞在了一个电话亭上,伤了腿。
- She stabbed him in the leg with a kitchen knife. 她拿菜刀捅伤了他的腿。
- The last leg of our trip was the most tiring. 我们旅行的最后一段行程最累人。
- The dog gave me a nasty nip on the leg. 那狗在我腿上狠咬了一口。
- He asked for an extension of his visa. 他申请延长签证有效期。
- He had his leg shot off in a battle. 在一次战斗中,他的一条腿给打断了。
- The child fell downstairs and pitched on its leg. 这孩子从楼梯滚下,把腿摔坏了。
- The last leg of our trip is the most tiring. 我们旅行的最后一段行程最累人。
- His leg had to be taken off above the knee. 他的一条腿从膝盖以上截去了。
- He built an extension onto his house. 他给自己的住宅扩建了一部分。
- Extension of the injured arm was painful. 把受伤的胳膊伸展开是很疼的。
- An incision was made into his leg. 他腿上切开了一个口子。
- By extension, an array of any number of dimensions. 广义来说,矩阵可以是任意维数的数组。
- Her leg fractured in two places. 她的腿有两处骨折。
- His leg was deformed in an accident. 他的腿在一次事故中致畸。
- A drop of blood slid down his leg. 他的腿上流着一点儿血。
- My leg is still very tender where it was bruised. 我腿上碰伤的部位仍有触痛。