- When it comes to upgrading, the land unit brigades upgrade separately. 升级的时候陆军单位的各个旅是独立升级的。
- When this is done, one land unit stands out uniquely and unchallengeable: Eurasia, the veritable heartland of world history since Neolithic times. 当这些工作做完以后,一个区域毫无疑问的显现出来:欧亚大陆,自新石器时代以来名副其实的世界历史要地。
- Note the division is still the smallest tactical unit and the land unit and its brigades are indivisible, but for technology purposes the brigades are distinct. 但是注意师仍然是最小的战术单位,同时一个师和他的旅之间也是不可分割的整体,不过从科技的角度来说旅是独立的。
- The two problems of salinization and desertification should be treated in different order according to regional situation. The FAO classification and notation principle by land unit,land use and added characters was used in the procedure. 指出对待盐渍化和沙化这两个问题,对不同区域应各有侧重,最后介绍了联合国粮农组织(FAO)的土地分类原则,用土地单元、土地利用类型及附加特性注记地类的方法。
- Small melee creature of the Zerg army. Though fragile, they are good in large numbers. Attacks land units. 虫族军队的小型近战攻击生物。虽然很脆弱,但是他们以极大的数量闻名。能攻击地面单位。
- Bombards an area with rockets, stunning enemy land units for 1 second and damaging nearby enemy units. 以火箭炮轰一个区域,击昏陆地敌军1秒并造成伤害。
- Cluster Rockets Bombards an area with rockets, dealing damage to nearby enemy land units and stunning them. 集簇火箭弹用火箭弹轰炸一片区域。对敌军造成伤害。并击晕她们。
- Powerful lieutenants from Prince Kael's Blood Elf army. Experts at destroying spellcasters. Attacks land units. 凯尔王子的血精灵军队的强大中尉。施法者的天敌。攻击地面单位。
- Level 1 - A wave of force ripples outward, causing 75 damage to land units in a line. 一级-英雄发射出一道震荡波,对一条直线上的地面单位造成75点的伤害。
- Level 2 - Slams the ground dealing 75 damage to nearby enemy land units and stunning them for 1.5 seconds. 二级-猛击地面对350范围内的敌方地面单位造成75点的伤害晕眩1.;5秒。
- Bombards an area with rockets, stunning enemy land units and damaging nearby enemy units. Bombards的地区,火箭弹,令敌人的土地的单位和毁坏了附近的敌人单位。
- Level 3 - Slams the ground, dealing 100 damage to nearby enemy land units and stunning them for 2 seconds. 三级-猛击地面,对350范围内的敌方地面单位造成100点的伤害,晕眩2秒。
- Level 3 - Slams the ground dealing 100 damage to nearby enemy land units and stunning them for 2 seconds. 三级-猛击地面对350范围内的敌方地面单位造成100点的伤害晕眩2秒。
- Level 1 - Slams the ground, dealing 50 damage to nearby enemy land units and stunning them for 1 seconds. 一级-猛击地面,对350范围内的敌方地面单位造成50点的伤害,晕眩1秒。
- Shore Bombardment: This shows how well the ship can bombard enemy land units in coastal provinces when combined with an assault from land. 对岸轰击:战舰可以在沿海省份对与我陆战部队作战的敌军进行炮火打击。
- Oh, and before anyone asks: Yes, you can move land units from Afghanistan and Baluchistan to Persia and all the way to Europe. 哦,对了,在任何人提问之前,我要先声明一点:你可以命令陆军单位从陆路由阿富汗和俾路支移动到波斯,直到整个欧洲。
- A Dutch and South African unit of land area equal to 2.1 acres. 摩肯荷兰和南非使用的土地面积单位,相当于2.;1英亩。
- Mountain Giant - Slow moving melee unit that can take incredible amounts of punishment. Has the Taunt and War Club abilities. Can learn Hardened Skin and Resistant Skin. Attacks land units. 山岭巨人-这个移动缓慢的近战单位可以承受令人难以置信的打击.;有'嘲讽'和'战争棍'的能力
- The land is laid down with red or white clover. 这块土地种上了红花和白花苜蓿。
- The place used to be a stretch of barren land. 早先这里是一片不毛之地。