- knock ... into v. 撞上, 敲入
- all-around weld (整周焊缝) 环焊缝
- knock kown(拍卖) 敲桌卖出
- 结交为好朋友或亲密的伙伴,常与around一起用 to associate as friends or chums,often used with around
- compression knock(内燃机的) 压缩爆燃
- 词组“to be led around by the nose”表明人的弱点, The phrase @to be led around by the nose@ shows man's weakness.
- lag knock (diesel) (柴油机) 滞后燃烧爆震
- knock可指意外的动作,可造成伤痛或毁坏东西 Knock can denote an accidental action which hurts or breaks something
- 中性音的发音时舌头位于中间位置的,即不高也不低,如:around中的a音 Pronounced with the tongue in a middle position, neither high nor low, as the a in around.
- 结为伙伴结交为好朋友或亲密的伙伴。常与around一起用 To associate as friends or chums. Often used with around.
- knock意为敲击某物而发出清脆的声音. Knock means hitting something with a clear,sharp sound.
- maximum knock-out stroke (压力机的) 最大打料行程
- 乞丐,流浪者靠从一地到另一地的乞讨和拣拾垃圾为生,常与around连用 To live by begging and scavenging from place to place. Often used with around.
- Scamper(around,away,off,等)仅用于小动物(小狗、老鼠等)和儿童. Scamper(around, away,off,etc)is only used of small animals(puppies,mice,etc)and children.
- 中性音的发音时舌头位于中间位置的,即不高也不低,如:around中的a音。 Pronounced with the tongue in a middle position,neither high nor low,as the a in around.
- 海边,vt.1. 给...缝边(或镶边),2. 包围;禁闭[(+in/about/around)]vi.1. 做褶边 the hem of the sea
- 他说:那位女士确实有才气。她一年至少能完成一部新书,而且还必然畅销。这里的knock off是轻而易举地完成。 The woman really has a talent. She can knock off a new book at least once a year and we can count on it to be a best-seller.
- 不过,报告发现,天气变化的不确定因素和飞行员对到Knock特殊飞行路线的不熟悉给他们的决策过程造成了缺陷。 However, uncertainty over changing weather conditions and the pilots'lack of familiarity with the particular approach to Knock impaired their decision-making process, the report found.
- 你能给解释一下异侧摆越吗? The gymnast releases one hand from the pommel and brings his legs around. Can you explain an undercut to me?
- 材料与方法:使用C57BL/6小鼠及同系鼠的Endothelial Nitric-Oxide synthase(eNOS)基因缺损小鼠(knock-out mice)。 Materials and methods:C57Bl/6 mice and eNOS knockout C57Bl/6 mice (eNOS KO mice), age 5 to 6 weeks.