- He gets angry ever easily; you must handle him with kid gloves. 他动辄发脾气,你要小心地对付他。
- Mary is easily distressed. You'll have to handle her with kid gloves. 玛丽动不动就伤心,你对待她得温和谨慎些。
- We must treat the whole situation with kid gloves. 我们必须谨慎处理整个形势。
- Only if we handle them with kid gloves. 只要我们小心行事就行了。
- I have three pairs of kid gloves. 我有三副羊皮手套了。
- "To make the right decisions and push them through, you will need the kid glove more often than the boxing glove," Lumley suggests. 把决定权拿在自己手里,不要事无巨细都向同事请教。
- Don't treat these murderers with kid gloves. 不要对这些杀人犯心慈手软。
- Don't treat those criminals with kid gloves. 不要对那些罪犯心慈手软。
- Women should always be handled with kid gloves. 对待妇女应该耐心和气。
- An atomic bomb is handled with kid gloves. 原子弹必须小心搬动。
- To make the right decisions and push them through, you will need the kid glove more often than the boxing glove," Lumley suggests. And a sense of humor is vital. 詹妮·莉说:“做出一个正确的决定并去实现它,你更需要的是哄小孩的耐性,而不是要和自己的同事拼个你死我活。”而幽默感也是很重要的一环。
- "To make the right decisions and push them through, you will need the kid glove more often than the boxing glove," Lumley suggests. And a sense of humor is vital. 詹妮·伦莉说:“做出一个正确的决定并去实现它,你更需要的是哄小孩的耐性,而不是要和自己的同事拼个你死我活。”而幽默感也是很重要的一环。
- "To make the right decisionspush them through, you will need the kid glove more often than the boxing glove," Lumley suggests. And a sense of humor is vital. 詹妮-伦莉说:“做出一个正确的决定并去实现它,你更需要的是哄小孩的耐性,而不是要和自己的同事拼个你死我活。”而幽默感很的一环。
- Such overly sensitive people must be handled with kid gloves. 对这种过分小心眼儿的人必须妥善应付。
- Mary can be a bit moody and you have to learn to handle her with kid gloves. 玛丽可能会有点喜怒无常,容易激动,你得学会安抚她。
- Such overly sensitive people must is handled with kid gloves. 对这种过分小心眼儿的人必须妥善应付。
- Knowing what was happening with her, that she was going through a young girl's crush, I treated the whole situation with kid gloves. 我知道她的遭遇,知道她正经历着一个姑娘的热恋的情感,所以我很谨慎地处理整个局面。
- He's an extremely touchy character and you have to handle him with kid gloves. 他是一个极易因小事而生气的人,因而你得温和灵巧地对待他。
- Had to handlethe temperamental artist with kid gloves. 必须审慎地对待这个喜怒无常的画家。
- This kind of dispute, we have to handle with kid gloves. 对于这类争端,处理时我们必须谨慎。