- A policeman kept guard over the prisoners. 一名警察看守囚犯。
- A regiment stayed behind to keep guard on the frontier. 有一个团留下来防守边境。
- The eldest boy was directed to keep guard at the entrance of the camp. 年纪最大的男生被指派在营地的入口处担任警戒。
- She constantly keeps guard of all her valuables. 她常常监视她的贵重物品。
- One of the men kept guard, while the other broke into the house. 一人放哨,另一人则闯进了房子里。
- The detectives were keeping guard at the door of the main building by turns to keep watch on the thieves movements. 侦探轮流在主楼的门口看守,监视着这伙盗贼们的行动。
- Two thieves kept guard around the house while the others entered it. 两个小偷在屋子外面守着,其他的则进了屋。
- When the plane arrived ,The detectives are keeping guard out of the door . 飞机到达的时候,侦探们正在门外守卫着。
- It's your turn to keep guard. 轮到你放哨了。
- Security personnel keep guard, as polling officers, unseen, check electronic voting machines to be used in the first phase of elections, in Jammu, India, Wednesday, April 15, 2009. 安全人员守,投票站主任,看不见的,检查电子投票机,用于第一阶段的选举中,在查谟,印度,星期三,2009年4月15号。
- We must stand sentinel to protect ourselves; The jewels over which they kept guard were stolen. 我们必须让哨兵站岗保护我们;他们站岗保卫的宝石被盗。
- While two detectives were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel. 两个侦探在门外把守,另外两个侦探打开包裹。
- While two detectives were keeping guard at the door,two others opened the parcel. 两个侦探在门外把守,另外两个侦探打开包裹。
- You can keep my book as long as you like. 我的书你要借多久都随你的便。
- Please keep the watch for me while I go swimming. 我去游泳,请代我保管这表。
- keep guard on the frontier; guard the frontier 防守边境
- keep guard on the frontiers of the motherland 守卫在祖国的边防线上
- It was very thoughtless of you to keep her waiting so long. 你让她等那么久也太不体谅人了。
- It's important for the college freshman to keep his nose clean. 对大学新生而言洁身自好是很重要的。
- The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue. 政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。