- Because large sum of metal money is heaved and inconvenient to handle, government issue paper money. 因为大量金属货币使用起来笨重不方便,政府便发行了纸币。
- Because large sum of metal money is heaved and inconvenient to handle,government issue paper money. 因为大量金属货币使用起来笨重不方便,政府便发行了纸币。
- Because large sum of metal money is heaved and inconvenient to handle, government issue paper money 因为大量金属货币使用起来笨重不方便,政府便发行了纸币。
- Could you tell me where to change paper money into silver? 请问在哪儿可以把纸币兑换成硬币?
- issue paper money 发行纸币
- I’ll turn these coins into paper money. 我将把这些硬币换成纸币。
- Paper money is easier to carry than coin. 纸币比硬币携带方便。
- I can't pay my fare with paper money. 不能用纸币来付车费。
- Eg. There will be some paper money. 将会有一些纸币。
- China issues the first paper money. 中国发行第一张纸币。
- When was paper money in use in China? 中国什么时候开始使用纸币?
- He prefers hard cash to paper money. 他宁要硬币而不要纸币。
- Are you familiar with foreign paper money? 你对外国纸币熟悉吗?
- We need to have a well-defined policy and suitable methods for handling our finances. The excessive issue of paper money is no solution. 我们的财政要有很明确的政策,很正当的办法,光靠印票子不行。
- CUT TO PAPER MONEY being counted by ten skilled fingers. 十指娴熟数钱。
- The government will demonetize old, torn, paper money. 政府将废使用破旧的纸币。
- When anyone leaves paper money in a fire,the fire burns it. 如果有人把纸币留在火里,火就会把它烧成灰烬。
- The teacher issued paper and pencils to all the children. 老师把纸和铅笔发给所有的孩子。
- My family has some paper money dating back to the Qing Dynasty. 我家里收藏着几张清代的宝钞。
- If the Government of a country began to issue large amounts of paper money under the present system, it would inevitably lead to bankruptcy. 在目前的社会制度下,一个国家的政府若是发行大量纸币,那就一定要垮台。