- (i) goods imported under inward processing programmes; (i) 进口加工计划项下的进口货物:
- His shaking hands showed his inward fear. 他颤抖的双手显示出他内心的恐惧。
- The door opened inward into the room. 门是朝房间里面开的。
- Having the edges folded or turned inward. (幼叶等)镊合内曲状的边缘卷起或向里翻折的
- My company can do processing with import material. 本公司可以做进料加工业务。
- inward processing 运进加工
- It is the herald of inward and eternal beauty. 它是内在的与永恒的美的先导。
- A string processing language including nesting feature and macro feature. 包含嵌套功能和宏功能的一种符号串处理语言。
- Growing inward or into, especially into the flesh. 向肉中生长的向内生长的,尤指向肉内
- The explorers discovered an inward passage. 探险队员发现了一条内部通道。
- I feed too much on the inward sources. 我终日跟精神世界打交道。
- To live happily is an inward power of the soul . 快乐地去生活,这代表了灵魂深处的力量。
- Our bean curd processing line is the most advanced and well- know in the world. 我们的豆腐生产线是世界上最为先进的,久负盛名。
- I understand your inward thoughts. 我了解你内心的思想。
- Outward calm can hide inward sadness. 外表的冷静能掩饰内心的悲伤。
- The information obtained is often fed into a computer for rapid processing. 所获信息通常被输入计算机以进行快速分析处理。
- To cause to fold,break down,or fall down or inward. 使折叠,使崩溃或使倒塌。
- The processing and assemble business is a component part of our foreign trade. 加工和装配贸易是我国对外贸易的一个组成部分。
- Her calm expression hid her inward panic. 她平静的外表掩盖了内心的恐慌。
- The processing factory operated around the clock until the order was filled. 那加工厂昼夜不停地赶工,直到把定的货物赶出来为止。